You Wouldn't Dare

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I just finished reviewing for my English and Chemistry exam tomorrow so I might as well update.

WARNING: May contain spoiler if you haven't watched the season 2 yet...


<Sousuke is online>

Sousuke: Stay away fromm Rin, Nanase.

<Haruka is online>

Haruka: .___.

<Little_Kawaii_Shark<3 is online>

Little_Kawaii_Shark<3: You wouldn't dare.

Sousuke: What?

Little_Kawaii_Shark<3: You wouldn't dare take my Daddy Rin from my mommy Haruka! \m/

Sousuke: Who are ya anyway?!

Little_Kawaii_Shark<3: Look behind you~~ 

Sousuke: Ah shit!! khgerkkhfekf!!!

Haruka: What's happening?

Sousuke: Hello, mommy Haruka!! I terminated the hindrance of your love!

<Haruka logged out>


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