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"Arima-san, we need to take this child away."
"What?? But Kishou just turned one today..." the woman protested, clinging to the baby Kishou Arima.
"That's not your child anyway. He is the illegitimate child of a Washuu and you. Therefore, the Washuu clan has the rights over this child. When we allowed you to stay in the Sunlit Garden, it was on the condition that you would help to make half ghoul or half human children who would become members of V or the CCG when they grew up. If you wish, you can take you child and go back to living on the streets. You have no one to help you. The Sunlit Garden is the only place that will give you and your child a home. Well? What is your decision?"
Tears streaming down her face at the thought of being made to part with her poor little son, she handed the child to the Sunlit Garden official. She could only hope that Kishou would be taken care of.

On the same day
"There was one artificially created child born today. A girl who shows no signs of being a half ghoul despite her ghoul-human parentage. It is safe to assume she is a half human. The computer has randomly generated the characters 桜子 (Sakurako) and the vessel's name is Yamaguchi," the doctor reported to his superior, recording something in his record book.

Half-Human birth records
山口 桜子 , Yamaguchi Sakurako - Born 20 December 19:54hrs

"Another half human failure! When will we succeed in creating a half ghoul? We've only created one half ghoul through all these years, and he died in an accident."

Note: the Arima-san here is Arima's mother.

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