chapter 2 of the meeting

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Maos p.o.v

Why is he being so nice to me I thought as he followed me around I turned around and looked at his blue eyes I wrote what do you want on a notepad that I always carry. He looked at me and smiled I find you interesting. I looked back at him and then he said your like a mystery that I want to solve. All though I showed no emotion i wasn't interested and i walked away suddenly Sara jumped me and hit me you stupid SLUT you took my boyfriend. He is supposed to follow me around not you I'm the pretty one your Medusa I'm the smart one your stupid so don't even go near him cause your nothing but a another fan girl to him. I felt tears prick my eyes not that I like him it's cause her words hurt I ran as fast as a could down the hallway to my secret place called the grove and cryed

NIALLS p.o.v.

I heard everything that Sara chick said to Mao I felt kind of bad so I looked for Mao all day. I finally found her in a place with trees and flowers crying Mao I said as softly as I could she looked at me he golden eyes in tears. I walked over to her and held her as she cryed

Maps p.o.v.

I don't understand why I didn't push him away I felt safe and he said the one thing I wanted to hear since my mom died ''its okay'' the way niall said that made me feel happy. Niall I wrote why do you care so much ? Because your different and I want to be friends.

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