"Sean!" Abbey screamed.

Sean flew towards a falling Abbey and caught her. He quickly put her on the ground and flew back towards Alex and Hank.

Janos threw another twister towards Abbey, but she dodged it this time. She took this chance to conjure up her energy and release it. It hit Janos and he went flying towards the sub again. Eric took a piece of metal off of the sub and pinned Janos down.

"Come on man," Abbey panted, "I was just getting warmed up."

Eric looked at Abbey and rolled his eyes. Then, he set off towards the sub.

"Abbey," Shaw's voice echoed in her head.

Abbey felt strange. She felt like she couldn't control herself.

Behind her, Abbey heard Sean and Alex. They had taken care of Angel.

"Abbey, come help your father."

Abbey felt her feet move her body forward.

"Abbey?" Alex called out. "What are you doing?"

Abbey stepped over wires and pipes. She stepped into a giant room that had mirrors on the walls.

"Look at my girl." Shaw smiled.

Abbey blinked. She looked around and her eyes soon landed on Shaw. She freaked out and threw her energy towards him. But Shaw easily absorbed it.

"After all these years," Shaw started, "this is the greeting I get from my own daughter?"

A few tears slid down Abbeys cheeks.

"You are not my father."

Shaw placed his hand on his heart.

"Oh Abbey, that hurt."

"Good." Abbey replied.

Shaw tilted his head and sighed.

"They've filled you with hate."

"They're my friends!" Abbey shot back. "They filled me with love and respect. They even gave me a home. Unlike you."

"Unlike me." Shaw chuckled. He slowly shook his head. "Well, Eric will be here soon, so I'll have to cut our conversation short." Shaw released the energy he had absorbed, onto Abbey. Abbey was hit hard. Her body went flying through a few metal walls and out into the open. She landed on the hot sand.

"Abbey!" Alex screamed.

Abbey could feel something warm on her face, arms, legs and chest. And it wasn't the sand.

Abbey slightly lifted her head and looked at her body. Her left arm was bent at an odd angle. Her suit had torn on her legs and arms. Cuts were there and they were bleeding. Abbey's side was the worst. It had a big gash on it. It was bleeding pretty badly.

"Abbey!" Alex slid down next to her and lifted Abbey up on his lap.

Abbey looked up at him with a worried look.

"Just stay awake." Alex said.

"I-I don't know what happened. It all happened so fast." Abbeys eyes fluttered.

"Hey, hey stay with me Abbey." Alex shifted her body.

Behind them, in the jet, Charles began to scream in pain. A few moments later Eric came floating out of the sub with Shaw's dead body.

The woman in the jet began to shoot at Eric. He blocked all of her shots. Then Charles screamed again. His hands went to his back as he fell onto the sand.

"Charles." Abbey breathed out. "What's happened to Charles?"

"I can't feel my legs." Charles said. "I can't feel my legs."

Eric began to choke the woman in anger.

"Eric, Eric stop!" Charles begged. "It wasn't her fault."

Eric stopped and looked at Charles.

"It wasn't her fault." Charles repeated.

Eric sighed and stood up. He walked towards the other mutants. Azazel, Janos, and Angel.

"Go." Charles looked at Raven. "It's what you want."

"I told you to stop reading my mind." Raven said.

"Raven, please-" Abbey looked at her friend with tears in her eyes.

Raven gave a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Abbey."

Abbey rolled her head to look back up at Alex.

Soon, Azazel had taken the five of them and disappeared.

"Hank!" Alex shouted. "I need help over here!"

Hank left Charles's side and ran over towards Alex.

Charles sat up and looked at the commotion.

"Oh Abbey." Charles said sadly.

"Hank." Abbey looked at the blue creature. "When-when did you get here?" Abbey had a hard time getting her words out.

"I need you to keep your eyes open." Hank said. "Sean, run into the jet and find the first aid kit."

Sean quickly ran into the jet. Seconds later, he came out with a large first aid kit.

Hank opened it and grabbed out a cloth and some disinfectant.

"This is going to hurt." Hank said.

"I'm already in pain, Hank." Abbey gave him a tired smile.

Hank placed the cloth onto Abbeys side and she hissed in pain.

"Son of a bitch that hurts." Abbey clenched her teeth in pain.

Hank grabbed out a few more items and began his work on Abbey.

Abbey looked up at Alex and gave him a tired smile.

"What?" Alex looked at Abbey in confusion.

"You know, if this was heaven, it wouldn't be so bad."

Alex laughed as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.

Abbey's eyes felt heavy. She struggled to keep them open.

"I'm almost done." Hank said.

Abbey's breathing began to slow. Her heart rate was dropping.

"Abbey," Alex slightly shook her, "keep your eyes open."

"I'm just gonna take a little nap." Abbeys eyes slowly began to close.

"Hank." Alex looked at him.

"Done!" He said. "We just need to get her back to the mansion or at least to a hospital."

Hanks voice began to fade away. As did the rest of the worlds sounds. Abbey's eyes were fully closed now. The only thing she saw was darkness.

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