"And what if he doesn't?"

"What if he does? Then that would mean you've wasted all this time worrying about nothing, which means you've added unnecessary wrinkles to your future for no reason."

I frowned and touched my forehead before shaking my head.

"I think you need to relax," Additri rubbed my arm. "Keep in mind it's Arsen Mitchell, not Zac Efron."

"Arsen's so much better than Zac Efron," I smiled with a small sigh. "So much better."

"Wow," Jade choked on her water, covering her mouth. "Love is blind."

I shot her a look and shoved another piece of chocolate in my mouth. "Maybe I should slip him a note asking him if he likes me."

"You mean like when we were in middle school?" Jade scoffed. "Check yes if you do, check no if you don't? Oh, yeah that'll definitely win him over."

"Is that sarcasm?"

"Yes!" She threw a crumpled up piece of tissue paper at me. "Do not do that. That's so immature. If you want to find out if he likes you kiss him and see what happens. Maybe even feel him up a bit? It's that extra insurance he doesn't pull away."

"I'm petty sure that's sexual harassment," Additri sighed with the shake of her head.

"No, it's a fool proof plan."

"Get rid of the word proof between fool and plan, and I would have to agree with you."

"I'm not going to kiss him, Jade," I rubbed my temples.

"Why not?" She smirked. "I know you dream about it."

I smiled a little and shook my head. "That doesn't mean I'm going to randomly walk up and kiss him. He would completely freak out."

"If he freaks out because you kiss him you have more to worry about than whether or not he likes you," she paused. "Are we sure he's not homosexual?"

"Jade," Additri and I said simultaneously.

"What!? I'm sorry, but he should have made a move on you by now. I think it's completely plausible to question his sexuality. Maybe he bats for the other team, and this is all just a big waste of time."

"Or maybe you're just an idiot," Additri said, handing me a finished bag. "He could just be shy for God's sake."

"And he's dated other girls," I pointed out.

"So?" Jade blinked. "That doesn't mean anything. Ever heard of a beard? Ben Affleck has had one for ages."

"Oh my god," I rolled my eyes. "For the last time he is not gay! And neither is Matt Damon."

"That's what they want you to think."

"They both have familie- never mind," I waved a hand. "Never mind. I'm not even going to bother."

"Have you seen the way he looks at her?" Additri pulled open a new bag.

"Ben Affleck?" Jade frowned.

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