The beginning

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Finally!! I've been waiting for so long, today is my first day at college and I'm so excited. Pretty sure I've 'double checked' my bag at least a hundred times. But hey! Can you blame me? I'm so nervous, I don't know what to wear and it takes a whole century for me to blend into a new place, I wonder if I'll ever make friends. 'Snap out of it raihanna! That was the old you, the new you is spontaneous and social and fierce and.... 'Wallah if you're not done in the next five minutes, I'm letting you walk', My brother yells at me. My older brother, raihan (yes, yes I know), is 25 years old, he's kinda like super man, but only sometimes. Other times I wanna trade him for a slice of cake, that's how much I love him.
'Gasp' I'm finally here, omg are these people even real? I mean who has time to put makeup on for an 8am lecture. I say a silent prayer and step out of the car, I look down at the floral skirt my gran picked for and I can't help but frown, I thought I looked cute but now I feel like a cabbage. Ugh! Nothing I can do anyway, adulthood awaits!

My school is a glass campus, on the outside it looks so state of the artish but once you blend in, it's pretty ordinary, it's a small school which makes it easy to know everybody. I laugh at the thought because that's never stopped me from being a social outcast. 'Are you alright ma?' A voice asks from behind me, I snap out of my thoughts and notice I'm blocking his way, I turn to apologize and a cold hazel gaze meets mine.
Oml! Is he mad at me? 'Uhh, I'm sorry, I had no idea.. err., sorry' I move aside to give him space but instead he just steps closer, invading MY space and makes me uncomfortable. He moves slowly, his cold hazel eyes never leaving mine. "Is everything alri.... Arrrrgh! Are you out of your mind??' I cannot believe he just pulled my hijab off....

So this is my first page and honestly I don't know how this works but I hope whoever reads this likes it and/or tells me how I can improve. I apologize for grammatical errors. Enjoy

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