Chapter 14: Bits and pieces, gone

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There is no Duncan to save her this time, there is no salvation from the slow burn of insanity, there is no escaping the corruption.


"We work n the dark, we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, an our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Nelora wakes with a headache, her head is spinning and she feels nauseous. She is in a dark tent, under some furs and has a bowl full of water next to her. She sits up and a warm damp cloth falls from her forehead.

How did she get here?

The tent door opens and the Keeper steps in "You are finally awake Dalen. How are you feeling?"

Her throat is dry and scratchy "I don't know. My head it has this empty hollow banging feel to it and I feel nauseous."

The Keeper walks to her and places her hand on her forehead "The fever is still there but it is smaller. Tell me if anything changes." Marethari takes the cloth and dips it into water and looks at her "Lay down Dalen, you are still weak, you need rest."

Nelora does what she's told "How did I get here Keeper?"

The elderly woman squeezes the excess water out of the cloth and places it on her forehead "You and Tamlen had been gone for a few days and then we sent out hunters to look for you. You were found in the forest, near a burnt out campfire. You were so cold... many thought that you wouldn't make it."

It is coming back to her... the cave, this strange mirror, her love, Tamlen. A sharp pain goes through her heart - where is he? "What about Tamlen, is he in the camp too?"

Marethari looks away and takes a deep breath "He is still missing; the others have found no trace of him."

Her throat hurts as she speaks "You have to look for him! You have to find the cave. He was there with me, that's where I last saw him. But don't touch anything, the mirror is bad."

Marethari seems to be confused "What are you speaking about child? What mirror?"

"There was this cave that led to some old shemlen ruins. The place was filled with giant spiders and the undead. The place felt wrong though, dark, dangerous, like a dragon's lair with the high dragon awoken. There were vast rooms but one was special, one had the big mirror in it. He touched it and..."


She begins sobbing "That's all I can remember, that's the last time I saw him. You have to look for him! I have to look for him!"

"This mirror must be important; you've spoken of it in your sleep too. But Dalen now you must rest, when you are stronger you can lead us to that cave, there we can look for Tamlen, then perhaps we can find a cure."

"I need to go and look for him Keeper."

"No, we can't lose the two of you especially when you are with child."

She had completely forgotten the reason why she went in those ruins. It was to tell Tamlen that they are becoming parents. How stooped she was, waiting for the moment, letting him speak her into waiting, telling that they had time. Where is that time now, where is he now? "How is the child? Is it well, is it sick too?"

"For now it seems that the baby is well and unaffected by your illness. The child has great strength of spirit with it, it too is a fighter and for the unborn babe you have to put yourself first, try to become healthier. If not for you then do it for the father and for the sake of the babe's health."

Nelora open her mouth to protest but the Keeper casts a spell and once again she is asleep.


Days had passed pass and she wasn't getting much better. Finally she had convinced the Keeper that she was strong enough to show where these ruins were and she had a feeling that it was then or never. And believe it or not she, Fen and Merrill went there but still there was no trace of her Vhenan.

When they had gotten into the ruins then the place was filled with these dark creatures that had the foulest smell of rot and looked far worse than the undead. Finally when they had made it to the mirror room, the big looking glass was broken, totally shattered. Merrill was disappointed but she was glad that the thing was gone.


First journal entry

(The handwriting is flowing and legible. There are tiny sketches of leaves and vines on the edges of the pages.)

She has been told to keep a journal of note because she has been forgetting bits and pieces, things she has already done, words she has spoken. She should probably write that down, just in case.

Today the Keeper tried some different magic on her to heal her, that felt different, colder. For a moment she felt terrible but then a little better.

She has been told that the baby is still healthy and uninfected by her illness. But can she do it on her own? Can she raise their child when Tamlen is still gone? The hunters have gone on many searching trips but they always came back empty handed. Even she tried to go look for him but got lost in the forest. Thankfully she was found and brought back to the camp. – No more wondering alone in the woods. (She underlines that last sentence.)

She has changed too. Her belly has gotten bigger- that's good.

Her hair is falling out, her eyes are going murky, and her skin is dry and its color has changed. - That's bad.


Second journal entry

(Handwriting is less flowing but it's still legible. There are tiny sketches of the mirror, some dark lines that look like some tiny paths and dark vines with thorns on them, just like near the ruins.)

She has been having nightmares about that day, the mirror, about him. Last night he called out to her, called her to the forest, said that he is waiting for her but when she went out to look for him, he wasn't there. She was lost in the forest but Merrill came to bring her back.

(Following the previous text is written in capital letters) DON'T GO INTO THE WOODS ALONE!!!

There are also these empty sounds in her head [There is a long scratched out part] that aren't at the same time either. She can't make out what it is, yet.

Cried in the morning, until no tears came anymore. Tam where are you?


Third journal entry

(The written lines are not straight, the have moved away from niche formation. There are tiny dark smudges on the page that suggest she was lost or didn't know what she was supposed to write.)

Names and faces don't go together. [Scratched out] Words on the tip of the tongue won't match the things, the people. (There is a rough drawing of some elf that has the Vallaslin of Dirthamen)

Voices in head LOUD but no understanding. Wants to hold onto head, feels like exploding but no boom. (The last string of sentences seems to be bending towards a big black spiral.)

At nights hears him, goes to the woods, waits for her. Strong love and fear. Someone important, name has escaped. Green eyed sad pointy eared woman drags back. "We've talked about this don't go to the forest alone. It is for your own good."


Fourth journal entry

(Handwriting is messy; it's hard to tell which letters make up which words. All except the tiny white space near the words and letters is colored black.)

Whine noise screaming...Screaming...SCREAMING. Teeth biting into head, want to crawl underground, scream, want to find him, he can soothe the pain but green eyes is sad, tells that can't lose Nelora too.

Sun down, dark outside, feet taking to places. Green eyed elf always there, stopping. Why?


Fifth journal entry

(Handwriting is chaotic. The sentences and words don't form columns.)

Body changed, belly huge- doesn't know why. Kicking sometimes too. (A big circle is drawn next to it.)

Hair on head – gone (A circle with pointy ears is drawn next to it.)

Fingernails broken and yellow- bad (A dark hand with spots on it has been drawn. Two of the fingernails are missing.)

Eyes murky with dark spots- bad (A pair of black eyes are drawn next to it.)

Skin dray and with dark spots- bad


Sixth journal entry

(The handwriting is flowy and legible. There are no smudges on this page.)

Tamlen? Tamlen calling, remembered him. Has to go. He's the one to quiet the noises in head...

(In the end is a big drawing of a mirror between two statues. On the glass of the looking glass is a handprint.)

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