Chapter 5: Risque literature

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It is a beautiful night. The sky is clear and Mahariel wants to go stargazing with Merrill but when she enters her tent they find something more interesting to do.


"I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me it has always been a case of finding the right person"- George Michael

It is early night. The sun has just stetted and Nel is going to see Merrill at her tent.

When she gets there she can see light glow through the walls of Mer's settling.

She opens its door and sees her girl bestie reading something.

"Aneth ara Merrill."

The elf jumps and quickly slides the book under some furs. The tent is darkly lit because two candles can't bring that much light but it is enough to see that Merrill's ears and cheeks are slightly pink. What can she be blushing about now?

She rambles nervously: "Aneth ara Nelora. I... I didn't know that you were there. I didn't know that you were coming either. I wasn't doing anything. Wait how long have you been there? Not that I'm suspicious or anything. I'm just curious. "

"Calm down. I just came here. And the reason for my unannounced arrival is because there is not a cloud in sight in the sky. Can you believe it? – The sky is finally clear and the stars they are just so beautiful. "

She answers awkwardly. It is clear that her thoughts are not fully with her: "Yeah the stars are pretty. There haven't been truly clear skies in a month or so... But why did you come here?"

A sweet smile comes onto Nel's face: "Do you remember the times when we snuck out in the middle of the night just to see the stars. We stayed out all night long finding the constellations and just having a good time. I was wondering if we could bring back old traditions."

Her eyes light up "Uu that was wonderful. The stars were so pretty like the fanciest and shiniest jewels a noblewoman's jewel box. It was always fun just talking about personal things and having time away from the clan."

"You are so sweet Merrill but..." She has a wicked grin on her face "I'm more interested in what you were reading that made you blush so much." Nel quickly grabs the book. The hunter training is paying off she has become quicker.

Merrill tries to snatch the book back but fails. She cries out: "Nel don't..."

The book is beautiful. It is bound in Very dark red leather and has simple but classy golden letters on the cover that spell: "Lady's guidebook"

She opens the book. The paper pages were of fine make and the writing on the first pages are really flowing and fancy. She skips a few pages and starts to randomly go through the book. It has a lot of illustrations of people in rather intimate positions, engaging in even more intimate activities.

She can feel her face burning. She has a discussed feeling in her gut but there is pleasure and curiosity in it too that keep her from putting the book away. Finally Merrill manages to grab it from her hands.

Nel is just standing there blushing awkwardly. Gods she must look like a tomato.

Her voice is shaky: "What was that Merrill?"

Now it is the other elf's turn to feel awkward: "A book that I found."

Nelora sits next to her. She says with genuine surprise: "I had no idea that something like that might interest you. You always seem so innocent and pure of all the sins of this world."

She giggles "Me pure of the sins and dirty thoughts? – You know me more than that to know that it is not true."

Nel smiles. "Yeah you actually have the dirtiest mind when everyone else can't see anything."

Merrill keeps giggling "And when something is obviously dirty to you then I can't see it."

The tension and awkwardness is almost gone.

The 'innocent' elf asks with a clever fox like face and voice: "So do you wanna do some reading?"

Nelora answers with a wolfish grin: "For the sake of Fen'Harel YES!

Nel laughs loudly "I seriously thought that it was as simple as enter the object B into the part A and boom- ready."

Merrill falls over laughing. She is hurdled up in a ball tightly hugging her stomach.

Mahariel tries to pull off her serious act but fails quite miserably at it "I'm serious. It is just now today that I found out otherwise. Apparently love making is an art and has a lot of nuances."

Mer sits up and wipes the tears of laughter away from her eyes. "I used to think that babies came from kissing. When I found out that it wasn't true then I got this complicated theory that fade spirits and magical walking trees were involved. It wasn't very long ago when I heard about sex."

Nel's eyebrows shoot up "Are you serious? Fade spirits and walking trees?"

"Hey at least my version was interesting unlike yours that was lacking any kind of fantasy and creative thinking!"

They go back to the book and turn the next page.

Known among the dwarves and some humans as Orzamar flip, known among the elves as Fen'Harel's favor and among some humans as 69, though the first two names for the given position are more common.

There is a simple but clear picture below depicting a woman and a man doing the Fen'Harel's favor.

With the given sexual position id does not matter which sex any of the participants are. It can be successfully acted out between 2 women or men or one man and a woman.

Nel is squeamish. "By the gods do they eat with that mouth?!"

Merrill has a mock serious voice "Both of them are eating something..." She winks at Nelora.

Nel coughs "Not what I was thinking about. But seriously it seems wrong and disgusting and very dirty. And I mean dirty like unclean not the other way. "

"I don't know. It does not seem that bad to me. When you really like someone then it doesn't matter. It seems more intimate, appetizing and..."

"And what..."


Mahariel crosses her arms "Oh really?"

She tries to prove her point: " Now would you milady Merrill do the Fen'Harel's favor to Fenarel in front of a statue of Fen'Harel while trying to speak of Fen'Harel with a mouthful of Fenarel whle you Fen'Harel?"

Merrill's face flushes red all over she is looking down with shame. She whispers: "You are awful." and turns the next page in the book. Her blush is still not going down. Mer tries to change the subject: "Oh look the next page!"

Nelora has a satisfied grin on her face. She shifts closer to the book and asks: "Now what do we have here the reversed aravel, wolfy stile, the magic mountain or something else?"

"This page is about kissing."

She is surprised: "Kissing? Shouldn't something like that be in the beginning of the book?"

"I think so, but there's nothing I can do about it." She turns a few pages and comments: "There is a lot of information about kissing. From what your lips should feel like to different tongue techniques and what you should do with the rest of your body."

"That seems useful."

They begin reading. Some time passes and Merrill asks: "Have you ever kissed someone?"

Nelora is surprised, again. "Me? Nothing more than a peck on the cheek. Have you?"

"I haven't either. I'm already 15 and still no experience what so ever."

A sudden sensation of kinship with Merrill hits her, there's something else that they have in common. "I know right. I wonder sometimes what happen if I kiss someone and I'm terrible."

"Yeah. I feel the same way."

Nelora looks off in to the distance asks: "What if we would try to practice kissing right here and now?"

Merrill is confused, did she hear correctly?. "What did you say?"

She repeats: "What if we were to practice kissing together?"

"Umm...Alright but this will stay a secret between us."

Nel smiles: "Absolutely."

Mer blushes slightly and comments: "Here we go."

Nelora shifts so close to Merril that she can feel her breath. She reaches out one hand and places it on the other elf's cheek. She slightly turns her head to right and leans close to her lips. She gives Mer a few tiny pecks of kisses. Then she slowly begins kissing her lower- and then her upper lip. She is gently sucking it. Her hands are on Merrill's neck and in the middle of her back pulling her slightly closer to her. They begin to kiss harder. Nel slides the tip of her tongue on Mer's lips for her to open up. Their tongues meet and begin to dance in their mouths. She can feel Merrill's hands hugging her more and more tightly. The kissing is becoming even more intensive they are sucking slightly biting when the tent door opens and a familiar voice speaks:

"I saw a slight light glow through the tent and I heard the faint eco of you and Nelora speaking and thought..."

He looks up to them and words keep failing him. He's mouth is open comically out of shock. They are still closely intertwined but they suddenly realize that he saw them and they pull apart.

Neora wipes her mouth with her hand and speaks: "Tam it is..." Tamlen's face is redder than Nel has ever seen. She glances over to Mer to see if she is blushing too but no – Merrill is as calm as ever.

He cuts her train of thought off: "I ummm... I... I should leave you two here to do whatever...alone. I saw nothing!"

He swiftly goes away. The two girls look at each other and burst into laughter.

Merrill's laugh and voice are very song-like at this moment. "Gods I have never seen Tamlen so red and embarrassed."

Nel wipes away her tears of laughter "Me neither. I don't believe that he is going to be able to look at us normally without blushing for a while."

There is a moment of silence between them.

"You know Mahariel you are a great kisser."

She smiles and bows a little "I thank you for the generous compliment. If I may say so then you are not bad either but I think that I'll stick to kissing members of the opposite gender. No offence."

"None taken. But this was fun."

"Indeed. It is getting late and I should go back to my tent."

"Bye Nel."
"See you tomorrow I mean today. I believe that the new day has begun already. And Merrill do not throw away or put that book back where it was."

"Don't worry I won't."

Prologue of the Prologue: Nelora MaharielDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora