Chapter 8: The First Hunt

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Before a Dalish comes of age they have to prove that they are worthy to bare the Vallaslin . The first hunt awaits.


"You must not only aim right, but draw the bow with all your might." - Henry David Thoreau

The First Hunt
Both Tamlen and Mahariel have been apprentices long enough now is time to go for the big Hunt, now is tie to pass the rite to adulthood and leave childhood behind.

It is an early morning, the sun is rising and the sky is cloudy, thick mist has wrapped itself all over the nature so it's difficult to see anything.

Tamlen and Junar are waiting for the other young hunter apprentice. The older elf seems to be a little grumpy "Now where is that girl? Is she seriously late, it is her big day."

"I'm sure that she is sharpening her arrows and daggers, but just in case I'll go and check on her, I'll be back soon."

"Be swift, it is your time that's wasting, we don't want young hunters to be on the hunt more than a day, you know."

"I understand Junar." Tam runs off to his probably sleepy friend. He is sure that she is not tending to her weapons or gear, she is probably sleeping. She has always been a sleepyhead and e always has to be the one to make excuses for her, it just gets tiring.

He is makes it to her tent and the sound of soft snoring emits from there. He was right. He knew she'd be asleep. Damn it Nel, why do you do this all the time.

He enters the tent and begins shaking her "Wakey wakey you sleepyhead, we are late!"

"Just a few more moments Ash."

"I'm not Ashalle, it's me,Tamlen and you have slept in on our day of THE hunt."

"Hmm hunt..." her eyes bolt open "Shit, the hunt! Crap. Crap, crap..." she sits up from under her furs. "Could you gather up my weapons from here when I get into the armor?"

"Sure, just be fast!"

"I know! Crap Junar must be pissed at me again."

"Well he was already grumpy this morning so yeah, he'll be a little pissed." Tam gathers arrows into quiver "Why are your arrows all over the floor?"

Nelora has her back turned to Tamlen, she slides out of her night shirt and throws it on the ground "I was sharpening them last night, it took longer than expected."

"Again doing things on the last minute."

She pulls on the undershirt for the armor and begins to work herself into the leather armor. "I know - shitty choices but it's still better to go on the hunt with the sharpest arrows and dagger and knife possible."

"You never change."

"Don't tell me you don't like it."

"I'm just tired from having your bum out of trouble all the time."

"Hey that's what friends do; you scratch my back I scratch yours."

"Now are you done, we have get to get moving."

"Yeah, I'll bind my hair on the way there."

They storm out of her tent and go back to Junar .

Nel apologizes "Ir abelas Junar, I..."

He cuts in "Arrows and blades sharp?"


"Hand them over." She complies.

Junar runs his fingers along several arrowhead edges, then her dagger and finally her knife, on the last he accidentally cuts himself.

"These are some finely sharpened edges, next time manage your time better."

"Of course Junar."

"You know I'm not angry that you are late, I'm just a little disappointed." Disappointed is always worse than angry. "It is not just my time that's wasting, it's yours and Tamlen's. The two of you have only the day, then no matter how the hunting goes I want the two of you back here in camp. Is that clear?"


"Ok now the rules, I'm sure you both know them by heart but still it is tradition. Each apprentice in the end of their apprenticeships has to bring back a pelt of an animal they caught themselves, that means no outside help, no working together and no otherwise cheating. It is forbidden to use a pelt of animal that has been previously caught. And I hope that you know that even more important than the animal pelt is that the two of you make it back safe, even if you have no animal, you two are a great treasure as everyone else in here, it would be terrible if anything happened to you. Now what are you two waiting for? - GO!"

The two apprentices start quickly equipping their weapons. Mahariel finishes first and starts storming off towards the woods but Tamlen yells "Wait Nel!" She stops and takes a few steps back. Tam goes to her and hugs her tightly "Don't you dare to get into any trouble out there!" She hugs him tightly back "Without you, never." They break the hug and run into opposite directions.

Junar reminds them "Remember you only have a day to hunt!"


It is noon, the clouds still cover the sky but the mist is gone, now if there were any animals then a hunter can actually see them. The funny thing is that there are no animals to notice. Sure there are a few tracks but they are old like a few days kind or so and there doesn't seem to be any new tracks anywhere. Something just feels off, this forest used to be full of life, animals scurrying about, birdies singing , insects roaming- well insects are still here, like usual but there are less birds and even less hares. What is up?

This is probably just overreacting and actually all is normal. All left to do is keep on tracking and searching, perhaps the situation will change.


Another dead end of tracks and the sun is starting to set. This day is a nightmare, no one to talk to, nothing to hunt, just wandering along old tracks and game trails. Well there's at least a bright side - the clouds are gone and it is warm. But still none of it seems to have a point, soon the day will end and she'll have to go back empty handed when Tam's going to be there gloating how he caught I don't know a Great bear and the reason why I didn't catch anything is because I'm too loud and scary or something. Would he mock her like that? Probably not, this is just her overthinking.

Suddenly there is a faint sound coming ahead of her from the depths of the forest. There's nothing better for her to do anyway so what can the harm be in a little exploring and following the strange noise.

Mahariel starts to make her way to the strange noise, as she gets closer the noise becomes more clearer, it's like a voice calling for something... a voice calling for help perhaps? As she has gotten a lot closer the voice starts to sound familiar but she can't quite place it yet. Now she can make out the source and realizes – it's Tam Tam, why is he handing from a tree like that?

"Heelp, someone! Please help! Is anyone there?!"

Nel quickly runs towards her friend. "How did you get up there?"

"Nelora is it you?"

"Of course I t is me, you silly."

"Rotate me that I'd see you. Wait slower, you'll get my head spinning."

"Hey there, happy."

"Pretty much, now all I'd need is to get down from here?"

She glances at the ground and seen that Tam has dropped his bow and all the arrows have fallen from his quiver "Why don't you use your knife?"

"I lost is somewhere in the woods."

"May may, that is quite unfortunate but no problem, I'll get you down, gently."

She disappears behind a tree.

"Nel what are you doing there."

"Don't move so much or the rope will slip!"

Nelora gently lets Tamlen to the ground.

"Thanks, I was expecting you to shoot the rope so that I'd fall."

"You are so silly, but if you want that then that'll be for the next time."

"No thank you, I'm pretty happy with the gentle approach."

"So how has hunting gone for you Nel?"

She is quiet and Tam asks again: "Nel do you hear me?"

Nelora mutters "This rope is not of elvish make, the materials are different and the weave is weaker and less practical, this seems to be like the cheap she made stuff. Tamlen you stepped into a shem's trap."

"Are you serious, I stepped into a shem's trap?"

"I wouldn't joke about something like this."

"Crap this s what I get for getting reckless, this hunt it's just so... depressing, just like there are no animals or they have gone into hiding."

"Exactly and even the birds..."

"...Are gone or just really quiet."


"So what's our next step?"

"There's no way that we'll cats something today so let's see if there are any other shem traps and perhaps even shem poachers."

"Poachers, why do you think that?"

"A whole forest wouldn't go quiet for a little hunting operation."

"Shit, you're right but perhaps we should head back to camp and go for help?"

"Where's your sense of adventure? And would they believe if we don't have strong evidence, just this silly rope?"

"Damn it I hate when you get like that."

"So TamTam... you coming?"

"Just no sappy trees this time, I don't have my knife."

Nelora places her hands on her chest right where her heart would be and acts being hurt "Ouch."


"This is insane there have been so many traps already and as we go further I seems that the area gets more intensely trapified."

"Nel we seriously should go back to the clan, they need to know of this."

"They will know of this but we are getting close, I can feel it."

"Stubborn as always. But because it is dark I won't leave you alone here."

"You're sweet but if you want then you could go, I'll be fine."

"Seriously leave my best stubborn, danger seeking, troublemaker friend behind, perish the thought. We are in this together."

"Now can you see the light coming from there?"

"Yes, there seems to be several campfires."

"This must be where the shems run this operation, now if I could get a little closer then..."

"Please don't tell me that you are going to sneak all the way over there to get a closer look, it is dangerous, you know that."

"What's a little danger, it just helps me to stay on my toes .And shems are big and slow and stooped, used to their towns and stuff, they won't notice a thing."

"Don't go, I'm serious, I worry for you."

"Tam-Tam where is you sense of adventure, it is just a tiny peak and then I'll come back."

"Fine I'll wait here. Don't pull any attention to yourself with your loudness because that is probably what sacred the animas away you now."

She drops her weapons and starts to sneak away, her eyes glint the moonlight and the warm color of the two fires in the shem camp. Do the shems now that our eyes reflect light in the dark, I hope not otherwise they may get suspicious, they aren't as unnoticing as Nel thinks. Shems can be very unpredictable and dangerous. They don't think they act straight away.

Tamlen tries to keep a look out for Nel but she just vanishes into the darkness. That doesn't mean that he is going to stop looking for her in the shadows.


Mahariel has been gone for a while, the moon is already high in the sky and there are clouds now. Tamlen hears the sound of cracking branches. He starts to look around, darkness, trees, the blackest shadows, no living creatures.

Suddenly there is a hand on his mouth and anoher hand rests on his stomach pulling him closer. This someone voices a whisper to his ear that sends delicious chills down his back "Honey I'm home."

The hand is taken away from his mouth and Tamlen quickly turns around braking free of the someone's hold "You and your humor. What took you so long, I was getting worried."

"This is going to sound discouraging but I have a plan."

"No. no, no, no no. We both know what happens when you say that you have a plan. No, a terrible idea, just nope."

"You even haven't heard what I have to say."

"I don't need to, we've been through enough to know where this is going to go."

"Just listen to me, kay."

"Just talk fast and remember I haven't agreed to anything."

"You agreed to listen to me just now but we're digressing. So The shem camp it is medium sized, has two campfires and at current time holds nine shems. The operation they're running is big. They have dozens of crates of furs, stacks of traps and two carriages. It is amazing and infuriating how many animals they have poached so it is no wonder that the animals are gone from this particular area, by the way they are very loud and obnoxious."

"Get to the point Nel."

"Ah yea the point. When I was there I heard them talking about the Dalish, forest spirits and demons as it comes out they are stooped, so I was right."

"I don't understand."

"Don't you see silly they are dead afraid of the Dalish and demons, it seemed that some of them were going to piss themselves even listening the ridiculous stories about us. The Dalish are a band of blood sucking, baby snatching, child eating, mages who slaughter the humans they don't eat for fun to get flesh-puppets for demons. And the forest is supposed to be filled with evil spirits that may be awakened at any moment who will seek revenge on these who did the waking and so on."

"So they are a bunch of superstitious shems."

"Yes and we can use that to scare them out of here for good."

"You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious. All we need to do is play a little ghost, ruffle some leaves and the humans will wet themselves and run away."

"They will attack you."

"First it is dark, second they don't know the woods as we do, third they can't see well in the dark and we can sort-of and forth they wouldn't wrist angering a bloodthirsty forest spirit."

"Still a terrible idea, you'll get hurt."

"NO I won't. All we need is to make a big dummy, make some noises, make the dummies voice and rustle some leaves, the best moment would be if some big cloud would move in front of the moon because extra darkness."

"It sounds interesting and all but are you sure?"

"Come on Tam-Tam let's have some fun. For old times' sake."

"Talk about pier pressure, I hate how you always get me into these things."

"Great let's get cracking and oh don't throw away the rope we got from the traps, this is going to be integral."


The two elves have built a big demonic figure out of what they could find and snatch from the shem's camp. The built thing is a beast it is the height of two elves and has 6 eyes improvised rom really shiny and reflective pieces of metal.

The tree branches have ropes tied to them so they could be ruffled and the beast too is hanging with a rope in a tree near the shem camp. The humans they were in a state of sleeping and occasionally opening their eyes so it wasn't difficult to do anything near them.

Nelora whispers to Tamlen "Now let's take our positions and remember let's make a lot of noises of tormented souls and stuff, these shems will buy it, oh and don't forget to add deepness to the 'beast' when I talk as it."

"Sure but be careful."

Nel looks into Tam's eyes that glint in the moonlight and gives him an one-hand hug "You too, now I'll wait for the cloud to cover the moon."

The two elves take their positions and wait. Nel is operating the beast and some branches near it and Tam is operating the branches on the opposite side of the beast and human camp.

Finally a big cloud swims in front of the moon and the forest is fully dark, a big gush of wind slows and Nelora makes her voice as low as possible, strangely enough that sound that comes out of her is really demony "Who dares to disturb my slumber!"

Most of the humans are woken they seem to try make sense of the darkness and Nelora repeats "Who dares to disturb my slumber, do you know the consequences of such deed."

A male human with a squeaky voice answers "Who is there?" as others wake the few who sleep.

"Who am I ? WHO AM I? You puny weakling dare to speak to the spirit of the forest. I feel all the forest life, I am the forest life, all that is alive here is connected to me! The spirits of the masses you butchered called out to me, demanding revenge, demanding... BLOOD!"

Tamlen makes sounds of tortured spirits "Revange! Kiiiiillll, blood for blood, crushhhh..."

Another human steps in front of the squeaky voice and bows down "I'm sorry for the ignorance of my stooped friend over there, he doesn't know what he's speaking about."

"Ignorance is bliss; ignorance dies first because of it."

The squeaky voice cuts in "What power do you hold? You only speak."

"What power do I hold? WHAT POWER DO I HOLD? I am every tree, I am every living creature in this forest!" Tamlen ruffles the branches, one big branch even falls to the ground "I can squish you like insects, I can call upon the bloodthirsty dalish to slaughter you and later play with your leftover flesh to perhaps pay a visit to some close human village, I'm sure there's much fresh blood there to help relieve the bloodlust of those you murdered." A pot of stew falls into one of the campfires and the flame dies out, that is truly some great luck.

The other humans surround the squeaky voiced man and scold him, "will you shut it, do you want to die."

"As I am weak and slow because I awoke from my slumber then it will take my time to come and get you all, you may try to make a run for it, I do like it when my prey runs."

"Oh please oh mighty spirit of the woods what do you want from us to spare our puny lives, we'll do anything."

"BLOOD FOR BLOOD! Can't you hear the demand of the souls you murdered?"

"Death, revangeee, blood for blood, drain of bloooddd..."

A human starts to cry "Oh please spare us, many of have families to take care of, this was just a way to earn enough to bring bread to the table. I have children who will go hungry at home without me."

"Why should I care of your puny troubles of life! The souls demand is clear- BLOOD. Although there may be a way..."
Oh benevolent spirit tell us of the way."

"I demand sacrifice and recognition and worship! Each full moon you'll release one of your cattle to the forest to balance for the lives you took, I demand shrines of worship that are blessed in by your blood, I demand baskets of offerings left on the shrines and in the woods! I demand respect and not to be disturbed by the murder of masses, by the murder of my children!"

The shemlen are nodding their heads "Yes, we'll do so."


And the humans take off as if their pants were on fire.

She drops the rope that holds the beast and runs to Tamlen "Tam-Tam did you see that? Did you see it? We scared them! We got rid of the poachers!"

"This was amazing, they ran off like little children!"

"You were amazing, with the ruffling, the voices and braking the branch, they were so scared!"

"Well the branch breaking was an accident. To think of it then with that we got lucky"

"Speaking of lucky the thing of the pot randomly extinguishing the campfire was what sold the act."

"So you liked that I shot it down?"

"You did that?"

"Well yes."

"By the gods you are amazing!" She hugs him tightly "But now we have to get back"

"Of course, we won't need that animal pelt, this should be good enough."

"Hah good point, we'll be the clever elven heroes. "

"This was just so stooped and flawed but so thrilling I feel so alive!"

"Easy there boy, save some for Junar, he is going to be pissed."


The two elves make it back to the camp still covered in mud and leaves from the toime the spooking shems.

Someone from the camp yells, "they are here!"

And the first to run up to them is Ashalle "Where have you two been?! I was so worried! Don't you two ever follow instructions?! You were supposed to be back a while ago?! ARE you hurt and why are you two so dirty?!"

Calm down as we were just scaring some poachers.

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