10. Two steps back

Start from the beginning

I look into the mirror again suddenly feeling angry for not saying anything back to her. For her information he likes tacky... why didn't I say anything arggh.

I take a deep breath and get back to the table and sit silently. Jacob is reminiscing all the old memories with his friends which makes me realize how social he was back in the days. Star soccer player, handsome, had the hottest girlfriend... definition of typical popular boy. Now all he does is work.

He looks really happy chatting with them that I don't feel like telling him the conversation from the bathroom and just sit there silently eating my food.
"What's up with your mood? Are you fine?" Jacob suddenly whispers in my ear.
I stare at Amy who devilishly smiles at me and drinks her wine. My face is definitely showing her that she won.

I try to fake smile at Jacob and tell him nothing much but he eyes me suspiciously. Deep down her words are hurting me even though our contract will end soon.... I have never felt so deep for anyone and this is why I started hoping for more.... I started hoping for this to be something more than a contract. Even though I stop myself from going close to him... I end up feeling closer to him and day by day I am going on a path...I never should have gone to since the beginning.

"Remember how you and Amy were caught making out in the janitor's closet?" One of the guys... Nick I think says loudly which gets me out of my thoughts. Everyone stares at him and ask him to shut up. Here goes my heart... breaking into pieces again. My face falls and Jacob stares at me guiltyly. He's kind of regretting getting me here. There were alot more occasions where Jacob and Amy's topic came out... and obviously they will I mean they dated for years.

"My boyfriend... this serious guy here did such mischiefs in high school?" I emphasize on the word boyfriend and ask them chirpily... I cannot let Amy think that she won so I take this lightly and ask them. Jacob gives me a knowing smile and squeezes my hand below the table but I take my hand back from him and listen to everyone without looking at him. He looks at me dejected and looks away at the table again.

"You have no idea Mia... he bunked so many classes and somehow still ended up getting A's." They all start telling me other things Jacob did excluding Amy and I happily hear all of that. Now I devilishly smile at Amy drinking my water. She angrily stares back at me.

Austin catches our little staring contest, "All ok?" He whispers to me. I nod at him and smile. "Don't let her bother you, I meant what I said earlier." I smile feeling touched again because of his gesture.

The night finally comes to an end and all of them happily say goodbye to each other, "It was so good to see you Mia. Austin is right, Jacob has got the right match." Sharon tells me with a smile and I smile shyly and whisper thankyou to her.
Austin gives me a side hug, "It was so good to properly meet you today Mia."
"Me too Austin." Jacob suddenly keeps a hand on my shoulder and talk to Austin about some office work which is out of my understanding.

I and Jacob both ignore Amy and go hand in hand to his car. I look back and see Amy staring at us, mine Amy mine.

Once I am out of there... I stop pretending to be ok and sit inside the car silently looking outside the window. "Thanks for being so understanding, the way you handled the situation... my friends were really impressed." I still don't say anything and stare at the almost empty roads of Seattle.
My conversation with Amy in the bathroom... mention about their life in high school is making me really jealous and angry. I didn't think of myself as a jealous type but I am.

Jacob sighs heavily, "I am sorry, I didn't know she was coming."
"Don't bump into her or talk to her ever again. Remember the rules." I mock him and our conversation from the art gallery and he smiles. Seeing how he ignored her most of the evening makes me less angry.

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