Never Forget

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I know it has been a really long time and I apologize profusely but I mean it's summer and ya I'm not near a conputer and stuff so ya.

If you haven't noticed, Wattpad glitched or something because the second half of this chapter deleted after I published it so I am rewriting it right now.

Last time:

The last thing I heard was Lydia scream before blacking out.


I rolled into consciousness to here Aiden making a smart-alec comment to Lydia.

"Ash?" I hear Ethan's frantic voice above me. I can't open my eyes though.

"Ash?" I hear movement and metal moving before feeling the presence of another person standing over me.

"Deaton, why has Aiden and Ethan woken up but not Ash?"

"What happened to her?"

"Will she be okay?"

"How did this happen?"

Questions are thrown all over the place before the vet interrupts.

"I am not sure why she hasn't woken up yet and I am not sure why she fell down when the twins," Deaton says calmly. "But I'm sure that she is healing from whatever happened last night and will wake up when she's ready."

"If anything happens to her, I don't know what I would do. What if she doesn't wake up or doesn't heal properly? What if she..."

"Aiden! I'm sure she will be fine and this is Ash we are talking about. We may not have known her in a while but I know for a fact that she never gives up without a fight."

Why are they worring? Shouldn't they be gone already? I mean they probably finished what they came here to do so aren't they leaving?

"Ahhh, fuck whazzahapnin'?" I moan finally getting my dry, sore voice to obey me.

"Oh my god!"


"You're alive."

Are you okay?"

"How are you?"

"Fuck you all, I have a headache." I slowly sit up rubbing my neck. "What happened?"

"I am sorry Ash, I am not sure," Deaton answers before anyone else.

"I feel, I don't know how to explain it, like weak I guess," I said feeling confused, why would I feel like this? I stand up too fast and my vision goes black and I feel dizzy. Putting an arm out to try to steady myself, two people come up to support me.

"We will take her home and keep you posted."

The two were the twins, of course, and they took me to the flat they were staying at above the Argents. One of them, picked me up because I was fading in and out of darkness and the last thing I felt was a mattress at my back.

I wake up a few hours later to feel two bodies snuggled up next to me like old times.


"You worthless piece of shit! You can't even make edible food! Its burned you idiot!" My 'mother' yelled at me because there was a slight burn on fish that I had made. "No food tonight or tomorrow as your punishment," she said.

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