Banshee and Darach

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Omg...i just realized in my last chapter I said, LASH ACTION and that is the ship name in my other book. Awkward anyway...i am skipping to 3X09 also known as The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Last Time: This time it was him who cut me off with a schorching kiss.


I am walking in the hallway heading to the bathroom when I hear a conversation around the corner. Me being me, stop and listen in to find it is my dear ‘brothers’

“This whole thing with Danny, it needs to stop.” I hear Aiden growl at Ethan and I refrain from scoffing. Dethan, even though Ethan and I aren’t on the best terms, is like my OTP after, of course Stydia. IF only Lydia could see that Stiles is head over heels for her.

“He's harmless. And Lydia's the one we're supposed to worry about.” Ethan snaps back at him. Wait. What?

“Then why are you still talking to Danny?” Oh shut up Aiden, let Ethan be happy. Even though I am not his number one fan, I do like Danny and Ethan makes Danny happy.

“What difference does it make?”

“What do you think we're doing here? You know we're not actual high school students, right? We're here to eliminate a threat, not hold hands and pass notes in class.” I don’t know how people were fooled that you did belong here. You guys are both so...old. Anyway I really have to go pee now so I jogged the rest of the way to do ma buisness.

“Ever since he's been back at school, they're always together.” Stiles whispered as I came back into class.

“Soooo whatcha talking about?”

“We are going to try to get information from Ethan but we have to get Aiden away from him.”

“Leave that, to me,” Lydia smirks as the bell rings.

I stop by the Clinic because I wanted to ask Deaton if he knew why I got a weird feeling from Jennifer Blake. He said that he didn’t know but he would keep an eye out for anything odd about her.

I had to leave when I get the text from Stiles that Lydia has Aiden had been separated from Ethan. I walk into the school to see them on the staircase. And let me tell you, Stiles did not look like a happy camper.

“Is he looking at me?” he glances at Scott before turning on Ethan. “Are you threatening me? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to break off an extra large branch of Mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking,”

“Whoa, Stiles, okay.” Scott butts in

“We get it.” I add as I reach them.

“We're talking to you because I know that you didn't want to kill Boyd.” Scott says while Stiles calmed down.

“And I think that if something like that happened now, you wouldn't do it again.” Isaac adds. I roll my eyes. Who knows you never know what they would and wouldn’t do.

“You don't know what we owe them, especially Deucalion,” Ethan starts to say but I cut him off my anger hitting the mark.

“And you didn’t owe ME anything? You didn’t owe me for healing you every night and taking your wounds onto my body? You owe Deucalion,” I spat his name out, “more than you owe ME? How dare you!” I snarl.

“You were my sis-”

“That doesn’t make you any less in debt to me did it? And it didn’t stop you from turning you back on me did it?”

Ethan sighed before continuing the story. “We weren't like Kali and Ennis when we met him.We weren't alphas.”

“What were you?” Stiles asks.

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