I love you all.


You’ve basically stopped talking to Daryl since he found you. You just communicated while eating and said things like: “You eat that?”, or, “Do you want more water?”. Usually it’s always Daryl who asks questions and often adds sentences like, “I’m going to piss.” You confined yourself to shaking your head in different ways or to agreeing with a laconic “Okay”. And now that you’ve given up the search, it’s even worse. There is nothing left that drives you to fight.

“Ya’ need to eat somethin’.”, Daryl said.

“I’m not hungry.”

“I won’ carry ya’ in my arms if ya’ faint.”

“I didn’t ask you, you’re not my doctor, you can leave me in the middle of the street.”

“Rick would never forgiv’ me.”

“Rick is dead, Daryl.”

“Ya’ don’ know that.”

You rolled your eyes and turned to face him. “As far as we know, we’re the only ones left, remember, you told me.”

“Sorry I said that.”

“There is no reason to regret this.”

“Y/N, listen to me.”

“No, Daryl, now you’re listening to me!”, you blurted out. You couldn’t hear him talking anymore. “I’m tired of being treated like a weak person! I’m sick of not being able to act the way I want, because I’m constantly looking at you to be ready to judge me if I cry, laugh, or talk! I don’t understand what the hell is driving you to be with me, if you really hate me so much, I don’t understand why you didn’t leave me to the Walker!”

“Bullshit.”, he hissed.

“It’s not bullshit, it’s all true, it’s also true that we lost our group and we will not find them anymore!”, you said.

“Don’ know if they’re really dead.”

You turned to face him again…

“We’ll never see them again, dammit!”, you raised your voice and hauled in a few Walkers that trotted through the dense bush a few tens of yards away. “It doesn’t even make sense to continue this journey together!”

“If ya’ think I’m goin’ to let ya’ go ‘lone, forget it…”, he replied pulling an arrow from one of the Walkers he had killed in the meantime. You shook your head and ignored what he just said, but you did not realize he hadn’t finished the sentence yet. “…Yer all that’s left for me.”

21 September:

Our journey continues. No trace of cars so far, so we keep on walking. Daryl suggested going down a smaller distance than I planned, so as not to get tired. Of course, we are in no hurry to get there, as we don’t know what to expect. The important thing is to survive. According to the map, we are halfway there. With Daryl it has gotten better. We don’t talk much, but at least we stopped arguing. And at least I accept the meanwhile fact that we’ll never meet again. I need time, but I will do it. And maybe I will stop writing, but that will happen later. I love you all.

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