Another Authors Note

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Today I read a sad story about somebody that shall not be named and said person had to deal with sad things that I will not explain to  stay discreet for said person. All I shall say is that said persons life is sad. All of you who are bullied/abused or even the saddest thing of all, suicidal, remember this one thing................ you are not alone. If anybody needs ANY help whatsoever remember that you can message me. Yes I know it sounds weird but I promise if you need something you can tell me and I will not tell anybody whatsoever only unless I have permission from you and even then I will be discreet about all of it. Also my buddy Daejaf said she would and I quote "Kick some butt". Another thing, if you are suicidal then remember this: You are perfect just the way you are. You are beautiful/handsome,you are smart,YOU ARE THE BEST THING YOU COULD BE! You wanna know what that is? Its...............YOU! You are the most amazing person in the world when you act like you. Trust me when I was younger, I was bullied because of my weight and how I looked and even my height but last year at school I will never forget what this girl told me. This is what happened............the  girl said Hey Savannah come over here.      I went over and asked What. She said Savannah you are the most beautiful girl in the world. When I went home that day I hadnt cried when I went to bed but I smiled and dreamt happily. Maybe I still deal with this stuff but now I know that I am beautiful to somebody else besides me.

Anywho now that I made y'all cries and sturff lets smile. If you don't smile I shall send Bob after you. This is Bob.     (°_°) and he is always watching. Smile or he will get you while you sleep by slapping you with a hot dog and dancing the Macarena. BYE BYE

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