Tybzi and parker

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Parker looked at Mike unsure. Bit mike just smiled in return today was the day they were going to tell Parker's mom he was gay. the whole cube knew Loved them together they we're happy. Mike walked into Parker's room and told him it was time. parker was sweaty and nervous as hell. what would his mom think. will she still love him. they walked out and sat at the table where Parker's mother sat still eating lunch.

"Uuuumm mom we have something to tell you" parker said nervously
"Go ahead" she said putting Down her phone and giving the boys her full attenchion.
Mike slowly snaked his hand around Parker's arm and grabbed his hand intertwining there fingers together. a smile spread on both of there faces
"Mom, me and mike are dating. and I am gay." parker said softly
Parker's mom stood there trying to figure ou what her son had just told her.
Hopeful mike and parker waited.
Soon a smile spread acrossed Parker's moms face and he walked forward engulfing both parker and mike in a bear hug.
She stood back
"Whether you are gay or not I will love you always you are my baby and I love you. be how you chose and dont be afraid to tell my your truth feelings. you to mike, welcome to the family." and just like that she smiled and when back to her meal.

Parker was now able to finally be with mike without having to hide it. and they were so perfect together.

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