Chapter 6.

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Chyna McCarney

Three days later

I walked into Walmart, and I started going down the isles to the frozen food section. Noah wanted me to meet him at his house today, and told me to pick up some ice cream for some odd reason. I grabbed a medium size container of ice cream and walked towards the short line in the front of the store. When it was my turn they rung it up and I gave them the money and made my way back towards my car, located in the parking lot. I was very anxious to know what we were about to do and start to think of R- Rated thoughts. I could do many things with this ice cream. I smiled biting my lip and got into the car, then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said putting my phone on speaker while sitting it in my bra and starting the car up.

"Did you get it?" Noah asked.

"Mm hm" I mumbled, "what are we about to do with the ice cream?" I asked. He chuckled,

"What else?" He asked in a duh tone.

Eat it off your body... "eat it" I said, driving down and away from Walmart down to his house.

"Exactly, but I'll see you when you get her babe." I stopped breathing for a second,

"What?" I asked stopping at the stop light. I could tell he was smirking,

"You heard me, but I'm going to hang up now..." He said then I hear something fall, "Fuck!" He scolded him self.

"What, what happened?!" I said feeling worried and a little scared.


"Okay" I said pressing the gas pedal as soon as the green light hit.

"Bye, love." He said then I hung up. I drove for twenty minutes before I made it up to his house. It was very nice, a two story building and rose bushes in the front while the sprinklers were on. I parked in front of it and hopped out the car and grabbed the bag with the ice cream. I walked toward his brown door and knocked after a few seconds the door swung open revealing Noah in nothing but boxers and sweats on and white ankle socks showing off his hard rock abs that dripped water. It started to get hot, was it just me? He moved aside and let me in.

"Come on love, follow me." He said leading us to his kitchen with a marble island countertop, shiny steal electric stove and sink, and marble tile floors. Sitting the ice cream on the counter, when I was suddenly pick up and sat on the countertop. I hit his arm,

"Oh my God, you such an ass Noah!, you scared me!" I said, he laughed and spread my legs apart and stood between them.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely wrapping his arms around my waist then drawing circles on my back with his fingers. I played with his hair,

"So are we going to eat the ice cream or nah?" I asked, reaching behind me to grab it. He smiled, I opened the Ice cream and stuck my finger in it and put it in my mouth.

"Why are you smiling?" I chuckled staring at him.

"I don't know your just...great, like I'm grateful I met you!" He said squeezing my waist.

"What's so great about me!?" I asked putting my finger back into the vanilla ice cream and put it into my mouth.

He laughed. "You know what..." He said sexually pulling me closer to him. " I really like you, but." He whispered brushing his lips against my ear, sending goose bumps up my arms. "Your very ... I don't know, how can I put this? beautiful in every possible way. That's what's so great about you." He answered, pulling away with a smile on his face. I smiled shyly looking into the gar of ice cream,

"So, you think I'm beautiful?" I said raising my left eye brow at him. He stared at me,

"I mean, yeah! Your beautiful dark chocolate skin." he said biting his lip, "that I a wanna' bite and suck on, so much!" He said bluntly making me laugh as I put the ice cream back on the counter. He grabbed me forcefully by my waist,

"Woah!" I laughed surprised at his sudden aggression, he pulled me close to his body.

"Then there's that sexy ass smile that could bright up the whole world, those dusty dark brown eyes that I could stare into all damn day. Your so beautiful, but you just can't accept the fact that you are. Why?" He asked.

" I don't know. "

"That's bullshit!" He scolded. I stared at him and his eyes started to turn the cloudy grew again. "You don't believe when people tell you your beautiful, you think their lying to you. But they're not. What will it take for you to believe it-- me damn!" He semi-yelled at me. I pushed him back and jumped off the counter and gave him a deadly glared.

"I'm so sick and tired of your ass thinking you can read me like a fucking book Noah!" I yelled at him,

"What the hell do you mean?! You so damn vulnerable, crying all the damn time, your eyes tell a story that your so fucking blind to see! It's pissing me off, your pissing me off!" He yelled back, the brim of my eyes started to burn, no don't cry Chyna! I thought. The tears fell from my eyes and I quickly wiped them away.

"Fuck you Noah!" I yelled as my voice cracked, "I hate you!" I screamed. He started to walked towards me and pushed him away from me and gathered me shit up and headed for the door.

"Fuck you too, Chyna!" He yelled from the kitchen I walked out his house and slammed the door shut.Tears streamed down my face. Right when I thought everything was going good, bam! reality hit me right in the face! I don't hate him, I could almost say I'm falling for him, Noah smith.

What he just did was unbelievable and heartbreaking. I thought he was someone I could trust, someone I thought I could talk to. But he was just like everybody else...


July 10, 2014

My Grey Nights {EDITING}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum