"Wait, what does he meant plans for me?!" I got up.

"Sorry, I can't-"

"He can't tell you sweetie, only at the right moment" Boston said and walked out of the room before I could say anything.

"I'm gonna go freshen up, oh right. I don't have any clothes!" I screamed at the door which is locked up.

"Don't worry, it'll arrive in 3, 2, 1" and on time the door was unlocked and Ben came in with a box of clothes"

"Thanks...I guess" I shrugged.

I took a cute dress and wore it in the bathroom.

"Not bad" I shrugged.

As I got out to show Eric, without asking yet he replied, "It's amazing!"

"Too bad I can't go anywhere" I sat down.

"True, though" he sighed.

"Look, is there anything that I can do here? Any laptop or books?"

"Hmm, why don't I lend to you my laptop, but I only can control it from here. You tell me what you want and I'll search it and pointing to the camera so that you can watch" he explained his idea.

"Sure!" I smiled.

Jason's POV

I safely got out of the building and ran away as far as I could. While I was hiding, I've found Emily's and my phone.

I dialed her dad but there was no answer. So instead, I dialed the only two guys that I can trust, Adam and Brian.

Without any second, it was answered.

"Jason! Where are you?!" Brian screamed over the phone.

"Shhhh! I was kidnapped and so is Emily. They must've kept her after she had met the boss"

"How did you escape?" Adam asked curiously.

"She sacrificed herself to be taken away since they wanted her while, I escape so that I can get help but her dad doesn't seem to be reaching"

"About that..." they both said sadly.

"What happened?!"

"Well, he left us a voice message saying that he was kidnapped too"

"What?! It must've been the same boss! Call the cops, I'll text you the location. See you here!"


And with that, I ended the call.

We are coming for you Emily. Don't be scared. I'm always by your side.

Boston's POV

"What do you mean he is gone?!" I screamed over the phone. My stupid men couldn't find that sneaky Jason.

"He have escaped the compound, he could be anywhere!"

"This is unacceptable!" I ended the call immediately.

Jason, you think that you are so clever, huh? Well. I'm gonna make sure I'm the prince in shining armour once Emily is mine. No one can stop us!


Emily's POV

"Hello, Emily. You look beautiful today" Boston said

"Wait, why are you here? What am I wearing?!"

"Don't you remember our wedding, sweetie?"

"No, this can't be happening! Nooo!"

I screamed myself and I found myself sitting on bed still wearing the dress that I wore earlier.

"What happened?!" I freaked as I asked Eric on the TV.

"It's okay. It was just a nightmare"

"Well, that nightmare is gonna come true!" I screamed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't you play dumb with me. I'm gonna get married to Boston! Right?!"

"Oh...well...yes...I thought you won't find out...but-"

"Nothing!" I angrily ran and smashed open the door.

"What are you doing?!"


"No, you're not" Eric said and the alarm soon went off.

"Traitor" I growled as I ran away.

Jason's POV

Soon, the cops and the guys had arrived.

"Thank you so much for letting us know" the chief shook my hand.

"Your welcome chief"

"We've been looking for Boston all this time and-"

"Wait, Boston is the boss?"


"Oh no! We better get there quick! He's marrying Emily!"

"Oh no!" Adam and Brian freaked at the same time.

"I'm sorry but what's so wrong about marrying?"

"Sir, I'll tell you on the way but right now, we'll have to go!"

Emily's POV

"Let us go!" I screamed at Boston.

I was kept at a cell in Boston's office together with my dad.

"Not until you agree to marry me! Or I'll kill your dad Infront of you!"

"Don't do it!" my dad pleaded me. "A vampire princess can't marry someone she doesn't like. It'll ruined your life and future!"

"Your life is more important" I hugged him. "Fine!" I screamed at Boston "but only if you let my dad go"

"Deal!" He smiled.

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