Chapter 2

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I woke up. Turns out, I'm in a room. I was lying on a bed. A pink bed. I didn't remember anything about moving furnitures in yet. Even if I do, I might've forgot.

"You passed out". Someone answered.

I looked and saw the guy who chased after me.

"Who are you? And where am I?"

"The name's Jake. And you're in the same 'house'. "

"What happened?"

"Like I said, you passed out."


"Well I think that you loose out of breath and fainted. With a loud thud."



"Who's room am I in?"

"Your room"


"Yeah. Turns out Adam told us that your dad bought this house but he doesn't know we live here."

"So this is 'my' room? For real?"


"I don't remember moving any furniture in"

"Oh yeah. We did it."

"We? Who? How? My dad doesn't recognize you and your friends?"

"Yeah, we knocked out those movers and kinda took their place."

"What?! Wait, did my dad asked about me?"

"Nah. He just told us to leave the things in the empty living room and he gave you a call but since you didn't answer. He probably think that you aren't home."

"Omg. Where's my phone?! I had to call him back!"

"I took it. Look, we just met alright. I don't trust you. You could expose us."

"Expose? Maybe. But you aren't 'robbers' or 'creatures' right? Just some regular homeless boys. So yeah, I don't care."

"Robbers? Creatures? Homeless boys? Pathetic. You don't know who we really are, don't you?"

Before I could answer. He began doing his creepy thing again. He moved closer, I wanna run but I couldn't move or talk.

Why can't I move or scream? I thought. "You can't move or talk because I can control you, silly."

Let go of me! What do you want?! I told him through my thoughts. "I wanna show you who I am." He moved closer to my shoulder.

"I'm a vampire, sugar." He whispered. Then I was released because I slowly can move again.

"Okay. So you're a vampire who can run fast, control and mind read. That explains the fast run and creepiness."

"Yeah. So we moved your things like were you wanted them to be and get change then call my name. I wanna introduce you to the guys."

He left me on my own in my room. Finally, I can have some privacy. I looked around and saw a wardrobe. My old wardrobe. With a note on it. 'We arranged and putted your clothes in. Cute tank top. -Jake and the guys'

"Whatever, I said to myself." I opened it and it was so neatly arranged and folded in rainbow patterns. I wore my favourite crop top and tight pants.

"Yo, Jake! I'm done!" Then out of nowhere, he appeared. "You can teleport too?"

"Yeah. I wish. We only run faster than humans from 25-30 miles an hour. Which means we're so fast that you humans can't catch with a blink of an eye."

"Oh. In that case, whatever. Can we go down and meet the guys now?"

"You're feisty."

"I know."

We both went downstairs, and I saw the empty room that I ran into was decorated and properly arranged with my old furniture and new ones. It was perfect. These vampires know me well.

"Hey guys, this is the girl Emily. Emily this are the guys." Jake introduced.

"Oh hey umm...."

"I'm Adam." Said the blond guy.

"I'm Eric. Nice to meet you." Said the brown hair guy.

"The names Brian." Said the black hair guy.

"I'm Ben. Whatever." Said the brown hair guy with sunglasses.

"There's another guy but he's not here. He went out"

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"You see, we're vampires and we need blood in order to stay alive so he-"

"Let me guess, he went out to suck blood from humans?"


"I'm actually not impressed. But don't suck mine. Please." I pleaded him.

"I'll try not to. But it's just so fresh..." He looked at my neck.

I immediately cover my neck. "No. Not a chance."

"Sorry." He apologized.

I can't believe he was so easily distracted. I really need to watch out for these freaks. Or else, I'm game over.

"Yo, guys snap out if it!" I snapped the rest of the guys out. The shook their head then apologized.

"Can't you guys control?" I scowled them. "How are you even vampires? Were you born or turned."

"Born" All of them said. "So your mom is a vampire?" I asked. "Well, my dad was married to a human girl." Jake said.

"Oh so vampires are like human but with fangs and powers."

"You can say that." Jake said.

I headed to the kitchen then opened the fridge. "Blood, blood, blood and blood." I turned to look at them and the were all blushing.

"Blood? Seriously?!" I sigh then went upstairs. I grabbed my purse and put it into my sling bag and walked downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Adam asked.

"Getting food. Real human food." I said while wearing my sneakers.

I opened the door and was surprised to see my old friend. "Emily?" He asked in surprise.

"Jason?" I asked back.

This is just getting much more interesting.


Thank you for reading Chapter 2!

Please follow me on Wattpad and Instagram! (amanda_wong_jm)

Find out what happens in the next episode of Living with vampires!


Living With Vampires Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora