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I can't believe they found us so quickly. I have absolutely no idea how Taelynn's family even knew about that house. Maybe they followed us? I'm just glad that there's no way they can find her now. Not even the boys know where we are, and I'm not sure whether or not that's a good thing.

She was upset that we had to leave so soon. Poor Tae didn't haven enough time to settle. As soon as this all cools down I'll take her back. I just don't want her getting hurt again. Not by them. Not by anyone.

The way her dad would look at her infuriated me. I hate them. Everyone that's ever hurt her. I hate them so fucking much.

We've been at this house for maybe three days now. Taelynn knocked out on the couch last night and when I woke up she wasn't there. Naturally, I assumed she had just woken up and moved to her bed. It's not like there's any danger out here.

Now, I sit at the counter on my laptop and take notes for an online course. Rubbing my temples, I roll my eyes and groan.

"You good over there?" Taelynn walks down the hall in just a t-shirt. I sigh and look back at my computer, nodding.


Just a t-shirt.

My eyes widen and snap back to her. "Park Taelynn!" I nearly scream, "Park Fucking Taelynn!"

She cocks a brow at me and puts a hand on her hip. "What?" She says sassily. As if she doesn't know what she's doing.

"Why are you not wearing any clothes?!" I hate to admit, but she's kind of cute when she acts all sassy.

Especially when she's half naked. But hey, that's just me.

She rolls her eyes at me. At me. Her best friend. Hello??? Unacceptable. "This is more comfortable. Sorry I had to be the first bare woman you've seen. Probably the last too." Tae begins to walk into the kitchen.

My cheeks flare up and I gape at her, my eyes following her every move. "First of all, I am not a virgin. Second, you are not the first and will not be the last."

"Ha!" She laughs, "How much do you want to bet?"

"I bet my life." I snarl at her. She waits a moment before responding, most likely in thinking.

"Is that a deal, Min Yoongi?" Taelynn's voice sounds like velvet and silk all at once. She props her elbow on the countertop across from me, looking me in the eye. 

"You have my word."

👀👀 you feel how sucky this chapter is
it's more of a filler i'm sorry but !!!! vital info for the rest of the story


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