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     I get out of the shower in Yoongi's bathroom. My clothes are in the dryer, which should be ready soon. The glint in the mirror catches my eye and I end up staring at myself for what seems like ten minutes, but it's only been seconds. I look so tired. Clean, but tired. Today was a long day after all. Lost all my stuff, you know. The usual. The firefighters said they'd send someone tomorrow to give me whatever survived the fire. At least I had my phone and some money on me. We all have the same phone, so I can just borrow a charger. Most likely Namjoon's. He's barely on his phone anyway. Always has his nose in a book. 

     A soft knock sounds on the door and I blink a few times before deciding to walk over and slowly open the door. No worries, for I am clothed in a towel.

     Jimin stands there, his eyes filled with something resembling pity. [LIE CAME ON AS SOON AS I TYPED HIS NAME FUCK] I cringe. I hate it when people pity me. He holds out a small pile of folded clothes, "Jin hyung said to give these to you. They're not the ones you wore earlier. He said Yoongi hyung went shopping, I think. Here."

     Yoongi went shopping? I hesitantly grab the clothes and thank him, closing the door when he walks away. Laying the outfit out on the bathroom counter, I keep the towel wrapped around me while plugging in a hairdryer.

     Soon enough, I'm looking at myself in the mirror again, completely clothed in the things Yoongi bought (of course he got my exact size), my hair tossed from blow drying it. Yoongi actually bought some nice clothes; an oversized Nike sweatshirt and a pair of pajama shorts with this little egg guy all over it. Of course, some of my . . . undergarments are here in case of an emergency sleep over, and those are here as well. I used to have t-shirts, too, but I think Jungkook took them. Oversized white t-shirts, so probably. I leave the bra off, it's fucking late and I'm going to bed.

     Shrugging, I walk out of Yoongi's bathroom and into his room. He said this is where I'll be staying, said he'd be staying with Hobi. Sigh. The door to the hallway is open, and I'm hungry, so here I go. To the kitchen.

     "Do they fit?" Yoongi's voice sounds from one of the kitchen stools. I nod in his direction.

     "Yes, thank you. It means a lot. I'll pay you back soon. I promise."

     "No the fuck you won't. It was a gift, okay?"

     I purse my lips and nod, "Okay."

     "The boys and I agreed on something big." Yoongi licks his lips.

     "Oh yeah? What?" I say while taking a seat next to him.

     "We're moving into a house. Hoseok's sister just moved out of their childhood house, and it's legally Hobi's now. It's huge. There's enough room for all of us. It has a mini theater and everything."

     "Hold the fuck up, what?"

     "We. Move. Out. In. Three. Days. Go to sleep, tomorrow we pack."

     What the fuck? Uh. "Can I see it? Are there pictures?"

     "We have the lay out, I guess. Here, look"

 Here, look"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

[this took me so fucking long, appreciate it

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

[this took me so fucking long, appreciate it. yoongi and taelynn have the grand beds bc hobi was like "omg go ahead she deserves it and y'all need to reunite" or something idfk, the part where it's shaded out implies that there's nothing there on the second floor, idk how to explain it also, don't kill me for this next part I couldn't help myself y!kes]

     Holy shit. It's huge. "Damn."

     "Right? And it's right by the beach."

     "Bitch?" Taehyung appears in the doorway. Our heads turn toward him. Jimin walks up behind him, shaking his head and placing a hand on his shoulder.


     Taehyung furrows his brows, " . . . Bitch?"

     "Boy if you don't get the fuck out of here with that." Jungkook says from behind them. 

     "Who in the fuck said you could swear? I sure as hell don't remember giving you permission!" Jin smacks the back of Jungkook's head then points down the hall. "Your room. Now."

     Taehyung giggles as a saddened Kook walks away.

     Anyways . . .

     Yoongi looks at me with a rather confused look on his face before shaking his head. "You should go to bed. Jin hyung is making breakfast at, like, ten. It's three. Go sleep."

     I nod slowly and look towards his bedroom. He's not gonna sleep there? Like, is he sure? "Sleep in there. Your room," I point. God, I probably look and sound like a child. I don't care. I lost everything today and want company.

     Yoongi's brows furrow, "You're sleeping there."

     I shrug. He better fucking sleep in there with me. What if something happens tonight? "I don't care. Please, Yoongi?"

     When I finish speaking his eyes soften. He probably knows that I'm somewhat afraid. But that's fine with me. I'm not even scared. What.

     Yoongi sighs, "Okay."

It's trash, I know. It's rushed, I know. sigh. sorry, just wanted to update. Ill have another update for tomorrow or maybe even later tonight.


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