Chapter 2

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rInG rInG rInG rInG!!

That was the recess bell. All of the students flooded out of the classrooms to go outside and play. Not Bully though. He, was on a mission to find the new student, Playtime. About a couple minutes into his search, Bully bumped into Principal of the Thing. 

"Oh! I am so sorry, Bully, didn't see you there!" The principal said. "Say...why aren't you at recess? I thought you loved recess."

"Um... I was just, uh, giving back all the money I stole from 1st Prize! You know?" Bully lied.

"Aw, that's so nice of you... wait you steal money?" Principal Thing questioned.

"OH! Uh, NO...I don't steal money! It's just an expression!"

"An expression?"

"Ya, it means to... buy them a treat!"

"Oh?" The principal seemed interested in what this kid had to say. After about a full 2 minutes of this 'expression,' Principal Thing let Bully leave. 

"Maybe I'll 'steal your money' one day for being such a good boy!" The principal chuckled, as he waved goodbye.

"Dumbass." Bully mumbled, as he laughed a little.

Bully began to walk down the halls, then he heard the broom yelling, a follow up by an unfamiliar scream. Playtime? That's gotta be her, Bully thought. He ran towards the loud noise, until he reached the two. 

"Gotta SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!" The broom shouted, while pushing the girl.

"Stop pushing me, and just leave me alone!" Playtime cried. Her voice, seems a little off... Who knows how long she as being tossed around, but lucky, Bully stopped the cleaning product.

"HEY! Stop pushing this poor girl around you stupid vacuum cleaner!" Bully yelled. Suddenly, the broom stopped, and made the small kid girl fall. The broom got mad.

"VACUUM CLEANER!? I'll you know that I am a BROOM! How would you like it if I called you a girl!"

"You stopped, and that's all I care about." The bully smirked.

"W-WHATEVER!" The broom exclaimed. "This area was cleaned ANYWAY!" Gotta Sweep zoomed out of the hallway. The bully walked up to Playtime, who was still on the ground. Bully let one of his hands out.

"A-Are you OK?" Bully smiled. "Here, let me help you up." Playtime stared at his hand and grabbed it. Bully pulled Playtime back up to her feet. Playtime blushed and smiled.

"Oh, thank you! That was awfully nice of you!" Playtime said, and smiled for the first time here. "That was so brave of you to stand up to that guy!"

"Well, I wouldn't let myself get bullied by a cleaning product." They both chuckled. 

"Haha! Your so funny! Say, I never caught your name...what is it?" Playtime cheerfully said.

"OH! Um...everyone just calls me Bully..."


"I steal coins and BSoda from kids..." Bully murmured, looking down at his feet. It was completely silent for a couple of seconds, than Playtime started to laugh.

"Haha! It's OK, I won't believe those kids, since your so nice to me!" Bully blushed and smiled.

"Aw, thanks!" He said. "So why is your name Playtime?" Playtime digged into her pocket of her ripped hoodie and pulled out a jump rope. 

"It's because I always ask people to play jump rope with me!" Playtime exclaimed. "But I haven't gotten anyone to play jump rope with me in awhile." 

"I like jump rope! Wanna play?" Bully said. Playtime jumped in the air in joy and nodded. 

"I bet I can jump high than you!" Bully exclaimed, as he made a huge jump in the air.

"Hah! You can't even jump cause your shoes are trash!" Playtime trash talked. Bully nodded and handed her the jump rope. Playtime did a few warm up jumps and then jumped so high she touched the ceiling. 

"Woah! Your really good! Well played!" The bully said while clapping. Playtime didn't say anything, she just stared at the ground. Then, a weak OW came out of her. "Are you OK, Playtime?" Bully asked. Playtime lefted up her head and had blood dripping from her mouth again.

"I-I think...ow..." Playtime mumbled. The bully pulled the tangley hair away from her neck to check on it. The slash from Mr. Baldi's ruler was bleeding, but slightly less bloody.

"No, your not OK..." Bully said. "Come on, we need to go to the principal's office, now."

"No, really! I'm fine-"


Bully picked up Playtime and carried her to the principal's office. Playtime was blushing like crazy. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, so embarrassing! I don't know how to ask him to put me down! Before Playtime could continue with her thoughts, she was at the principal's office. The bully rang the principals bell to get his attention.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Principal of the Thing asked.

"HI! Yes! This girl is injured, you need to help her fast!" Bully shouted. The principal took a close look at Playtime and rush over to Bully.

"Oh my, poor girl! I will help her right away!" Principal Thing said.

"Here take her!" The bully had a bit of blood on his sleeves, but it wasn't to noticeable. 

"Thank you" The principal rushed the poor girl into the health office. About a minute later, the principal came back with a sheet of paper. He handed it to the bully.

"Whats this? A late pass?" Bully asked.

"No, a detention. No running in the halls." 

You Make My Heart Jump (Playtime x Bully)Where stories live. Discover now