♥07♥ Animal Kingdom Arc - Solitary animal

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Yuuki stumbled to the side, holding her still bleeding stomach. She ate the eye ball in front of the doctor out of spite, not because she's hungry. "Heh..." Yuuki grinned at the doctor; she won't be able to perform an operation to put it back if she eats it! 

"You bitch!" Doctor Manian decided she will activate her own second Quirk to fight Yuuki. She hated her second Quirk because it altered her appearance to that of hulk-sized tasmanian devil, but it was a very powerful form and she had no lost against anyone yet. She's a scientist for a reason! "You're my creation! I will put you back in your place!" 

Yuuki smirked and she grinned at the doctor's new appearance. The doctor beautiful face was completely replaced by a rodent's head. She looked so ugly-

Doctor Manian smacked Yuuki in the motion that one would swat away a fly. Yuuki's arm dislocated upon the touch! 

Kirishima couldn't believe Yuuki was hit with such a sheer force! "What the hell is with that?! Yuuki...!" 

He could see her emerge from the smoke. But how will she fight with a dislocated arm? Yuuki groaned in pain and she held her dislocated arm that was clearly out of its original place. Yuuki breathed in once and she knocked herself right into the wall! 

'She forced her arm back into place!' Kirishima was shocked because Yuuki showed no reaction to the pain. He wondered if she was hurt or anything. 

What do you think? Do animals feel pain like humans do? Or do they simply tolerate it better than we do? For animals, it's best not to cry out in pain because they never know when there's a predator to turn them into prey.

Yuuki moved her once dislocated arm to make sure she could move it. When she realized she could move it, she was still up for a fight with the hulkish tasmanian devil. She got on all fours and she's ready to go in for the kill once again! 

Rushing in, she dodged the claws that were twice her size when it punched out a huge dent into the ground. Yuuki got behind and she pierced her hand into the doctor's back only to realize her hand was stuck! The doctor slammed her body back in hopes to crush her! 

Yuuki was nowhere to be seen when the doctor rolled to her side. The doctor looked around to see Yuuki was not here. Blood dripped on top of the doctor's head. The moment she looked up, Yuuki clawed her way down, her slashes barely touched the doctor's very hair back! 

The doctor kicked sand right into Yuuki's eyes, forcing her to shut her eyes. Taking the opportunity, she latched her powerful jaws into the girl's shoulder and body! 

Even though the tasmanian devil is small, it has one of the most powerful bites in the animal world, due to its muscular jaw, according to National Geographic!

"Aah...!" Blood poured out in a grave amount. Crap, she's losing consciousness...!

Kirishima had to stay by the fainted classmates' side no matter what! It's not that he doesn't want to help, he couldn't! "Come on, Yuuki! You can do it!" 

Yuuki's left eye started to change color, going back and forth from red to blue. She felt someone calling for her. Who? Who called for her? 

A very young Bakugou accidentally locked himself out out of balcony. It was snowing down heavily and he was only in his shorts and tank top. He's going to freeze to death! His parents were out! 


Yuuki, the honey badger, had just woke up from Bakugou's bed. She looked around to see the little boy was missing. 

"Yuuki! Yuuki!" He hit the glass again and again. He could blow it up, but his mother grounded his ass for a whole month so he couldn't do that. "Open the door! Yuuki!" 

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