21. Last minute trip

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''W-were you really that stressed because of that damn paper?'' Jackson's face color changed to a soft pink. He expected any reaction from you but that one.

''Even if i used my lunch time to do the assignment I wouldn't even finish half of it and I would've definitely fail and my father is the first one to know about it so you and Mark technically saved my life right now!! I'm so thankfull!''

''I-i see..''

''I probably should thank Mark aswell'' as you were about to run out of the classroom, Jackson pulled on your jacket from behind to stop you.

''Oh noOOO!! no no no no. There's no need! I'll transmit your thanks to him myself.'' He hurried to answer.

''You're acting strange..'' You chuckled, looking at his red ears.

''Of course I am, you're finally aknowledging my efforts as a friend. And i'll be honest, now this is kinda strange.''

''You should thank Jinyoung'' You winked before walking out.

Jackson brought his hand to his chest. '' God, this is shocking...How many sides does a single soul have...'' ''Why is she suddenly so flirty...I mean affectionate. Why am I still talking to myself? Omg if my life was some sort of a fictionnal story It would've been some kind of joke.'' He shook his head and walked out aswell.


''You didn't tell her?''  Mark asked

'' I din't have the chance...''

'' Wait so you're telling me that... you have a meeting today...out of town...and that I have to come..'' You said, slowly putting every detail into one sentence. ''And that we'll have to spend the night there?''

''Yea.. but don't worry you won't be the only girl there- aAAh-- STAPHH--'' Jackson shouted as you pinched his side.

''Why are you telling me this now?!!''

Anddddd shes back... Jackson told himself

''Why are you so mad? We already handed in your assignment and we don't really have anything important in the afternoon nor tomorrow morning, what's the problem??''

''If my dad finds out--''

''He wont! We already told the principal not to call your parents since you're skipping for a job.'' Mark reassured.

''YEss!! Of coursee! He won't notice me not being home for the whole night especially if we're living in the same house!'' you laughed sarcastically.

''Text him that you're at a friend's house or something. You won't have time to come back home to get your stuffs so the company will provide some clothes and food for the trip'' Mark informed.

''He will ask for my friend's address, phone number, parent's permission to stay at HER place, and still make sure that my homeworks are done.''

''....Is your dad an FBI agent or something?'' Jackson asked, sending you a weird look.

''Much worse..he's a dad of an only child''

''....Well technically you're not lying, Amber IS your friend by now, and you're going to sleep in the same room.''

''Who's coming?'' you sighed, to conclude the matter.

''Well Me, Mark, You, Amber...

...and Yugyeom'' Jackson answered.

You let out a long sigh before continuing. ''What is the job that we'll have to do?''

''Just vlogs to keep our followers updated, from both our and Amber's side. Think of it as a short awaited holiday'' Mark tried to reassure you once again.

''Stop being scared of changes. Breaking your daily routine and taking risks from time to time is very entertainning'' Jackson whispered into your left ear from behind. '' It's an adventure'' He smiled happily.

''If I get in troubles, you'll be responsible for it'' You mumbled under your breath. Then smiled to yourself.

Something HAS to change, and this something...is me.


While you were waiting for the bus that will drive you to the company, from where you'll take the travelling bus to leave the town all together, you fell asleep between Mark and Jackson. Your head ended up falling on Mark's shoulder and your hair got in the way.

''She so complex sometimes. I swear to god, who is she, really'' Jackson said, brushing your hair off of your face in a gentle manner so you wouldn't wake up.

''You like her don't you?'' Mark smirked.

''I don't-

''You look irritated''

''From what?!''

''From her head lying on MY shoulder..''

''I don't know what you're talking about..-''

''You're SOOO jealous..''

''Mark I'll slap yo face, I prefer the quiet you'' Jack groaned with irritation as Mark laughed.

''Anyways..'' Mark now looked in front of him. ''I hope this trip will bring them closer, so they would get along''

''Me too...Yugyeom has been acting strange since she joined our team..''

''You noticed that too??'' Mark looked at Jackson, then behind him. '' The bus!!''

As all of them entered the vehicle, a familiar figure was standing up behind the bus stop, clenching her teeth in anger.

Invisible (Jackson Wang X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang