They Want to Fight? Bring It

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We ran back to the base. Halfway there, I tried to run back. Carlos and Aurox had to carry me back. I'm going to kill Sonny, then Jeffrey, Anna after. All of them.

I didn't speak to anyone once we got here. I locked myself in the room and ignored everyone. There was a knock on the door.

"MJ," Evie called out. "Will you please open the door?" I shook my head. I know she can't see, but I don't care. I just saw my grandpa get killed right in front of me. "MJ?"

There was another knock. "MJ," Harry tried. "Open up, love."

"Guys, maybe we should leave her alone?" I heard Xander on the other side. "She just watch Fergus die not even an hour ago."

"No," Mal said this time. "We're not leaving her alone again."

"Because that worked out so well last time," Harry replied. I may be on the other side, but I bet Harry's rolling his eyes.

"You're dating her, right?" Mal snapped. "So don't you think for a second that us leaving didn't benefit you. If I recall, you used to have a big crush on her. You followed her around when she didn't give you the time of day. Before you became Uma's little lap dog."

There was some scuffling on the other side. I don't even dare opening that door to stop whatever was happening.

"Hey. Hey. Hey," I heard Ben and Carlos.

"Guys, don't you see what's going on?" Carlos continued. "This is all part of Sonny's plan. Instead of fighting her, we're fighting each other. We're not doing what we came here for. And this isn't good for MJ. She doesn't need this right now."

I clenched my hands into fist. "And MJ wishes for you to leave me alone!" I snapped. These walls are really thin.

There was another knock on the door. "Mer," it was Ben, "we're here for you whenever you're ready." I didn't say anything. I heard Ben sigh before hearing footsteps leave.

I fell back on the bed. I can't cry. I won't cry. I'm a VK. We don't cry. We learn that love is nothing but weakness. And look what happened because I got close to Grandpa Fergus. He was killed. He was killed and I just ran. I ran like a coward instead of killing them. What happened to me? I never would have done this back on the Isle. I wouldn't have cared. I would have frozen the culprits in place.

"Ye found love," I heard next to me.

I gasped as I sat up. Grandpa Fergus sat next to me. He had a small smile on his face.

"Grandpa?" I breathed. "I - I just...I just saw..." I let out a breath when I came to realization. "You're not really here."

"No, Mer, I'm not," he said.

"I think I ate something bad."

He chuckled. "No, ye didn't." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I don't want ye to blame yerself for what happened to me. I knew it was coming. And I would be happy to sacrifice myself for ye again."

"Grandpa -"

"Don't Grandpa me. Ye need to stop blaming yerself. Yer mother wouldn't want that for ye. She would want ye to fight. Bring back the kingdom."

"How can I if everyone keeps dying?" I cried. "I don't even know if I can do this. I'm not a queen. I don't even make a great leader. Aaron, Jay...look what happened to them." Oh, my god, Jay.

Grandpa gave me a sad smile before pulling me close to him. "They knew what they were getting themselves into. Their heart was in the right place. Sonny might be queen, but she doesn't have the one thing ye have."

I scoffed. "What? White hair?"

Grandpa shook his head. "The love from our people. Sonny could take their homes. Over tax them." Then he pointed towards my heart. "But she doesn't have the loyalties, the love, from our friends. Our family. I want ye to remember that."

I didn't say anything as I looked up at Grandpa. I jumped in my spot when there was a knock on the door.

"MJ," Carlos spoke softly. "Please, open up."

I looked towards Grandpa and he gave me a little nod. I slowly got up and made my way towards the door. My hand shook as it came into contact with the knob. It's ok, MJ. I opened the door and there stood Carlos, alone. He gave me a pained look before walking in. His arms wrapped around me, making me freeze.

"You look like you could use one of these," he whispered.

My body relaxed a bit before I hugged Carlos back. I shut my eyes tight as I choked back a sob, but that didn't stop me from actually crying. I felt tears coming out of my eyes.

"I hate her," I whispered. "I hate that red head bi-"

"We all do," Carlos cut me off. "I'm sorry about Fergus. I know you just met him a few weeks ago, but you guys looked like you were getting close."

"We were." I pulled away and sat on the edge of the dresser, arms crossed. "Grandpa died for me. I don't know what I ever did to Sonny or Anna to make her hate me so much."

"I do." Carlos stood in front of me. "It was Sonny's mom, Anna. She tried to justify her hate for your parents. She's the reason why you were at the Isle." My eyes went wide. "She said that it was for Elsa because how heartbroken she was. But in truth, she hated your parents because it ripped her family apart. Why should they be happy while Elsa isn't?"

I clenched my fist. I felt my eyes go white. All of this is because of...her. My parents are dead because of her. Now Grandpa is dead because of her daughter. What happened to the husband anyway? You know what, never mind. I don't want to know. I moved myself away from the dresser and made my way out of the room.

"MJ, wait!" Carlos called out. He stopped in front of me. "You can't take them on by yourself."

"Who said I was?" I snapped. "Those stupid heads want to fight. They'll get one. But we're going to need back up."

Carlos followed behind me as we made our way towards the control room. Harry was the first to see me and stood up.

"MJ," he started.

I ignored him, more dedication in my steps. I made my way towards the table, where they were all sitting at. I placed my hands on the table and looked at them dead in the eye.

"Get your weapons ready, ladies. We're about to go to war."


A/N: Sad announcement. This book is almost finished.

*Not edited.*

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