Last Night

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Uma screamed as she threw another plate towards the wall. "That little runt can't do that to you!"

I sighed as I gave her a blank look. "He can and he did. Tomorrow morning I'm going to be set off to Auradon. Live a life as a pansy."

Yeah, the moment Doc left the room, Harry and I flew towards the Chip shop. Let's just say Uma's not taking it well. Harry was just leaning back in his seat eating the gross chips on his tray.

"And I actually thought your dad was cool." She grunted before she grabbed Harry's tray and threw it. The food hit Gil in the face as he came inside the shop. "He can't just send you to Auradon like that."

Gil, for some reason, had a smile on his face. "Frosty, you got accepted to Auradon too!" He stated happily.

"Ye too?" Harry asked with a hint of annoyance.

Gil nodded. "I did! Now Frosty and I can see what the hype of the place is all about."

I sighed. The sweet taste of ice cream, kicking the Aurox's ass in archery, the friendly people we could steal from. I shook my head. "Nothing special, Gil. Just all sunshine and rainbows over there. I'm surprise Benny invited you, considering your parents hate each other."

"Correction, my dad hates his dad but he loves his mom. He actually wanted me to give her this."

Gil pulled something from his pocket and handed us the small envelope. Uma snatched it from his hands and began reading it. I hovered behind her and peaked. It's basically nothing but gibberish. Gaston wants to reunite with Belle and have dinner together. He used whatever charm he doesn't have in the letter. Nothing but empty promises and he says he forgives her for picking Beast over him.

Uma rolled her eyes and handed me the letter. "MJ."

I gave Gil a little smirk before my hand iced up the letter and it shattered to a million pieces. "Hey!" Gil shouted. "My dad worked really hard on that. Took him an hour to write it."

I rolled my eyes. "And it took me a second to destroy it." I wrapped my arm around Gil's shoulder. "Why do you want to go to Boredon anyway? Where the sun is always up and people sing every chance they get. Wouldn't you miss the pirate life here with Uma and the crew?"

Not only that, even though Gil is sweet and funny, he's also dumb. I feel like some of the kids over there might take advantage of him. Which is why I'm trying to talk him out of it. I mean, sure the crew acts the same way with him, but they enjoy Gil's company. So maybe this tough love will convince him to stay.

"I will miss everyone here, but the thought of being somewhere else sounds amazing," He said happily.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Uma cut me off. "Give it a rest, MJ. If Gil wants to leave then let him. Looks like he already made his choice." She scoffed. "Some friend."

Gil didn't seem to catch Uma's sarcasm and lifted her off the ground in a hug. "Thanks, Shrimpy!"

I stifled a laugh a Gil put her down. Uma had a disgusted look on her face as she dusted herself off. "What did I say about that name?"

"Uh, not to call you it."

She glared at him. "And what did I say about touching me?"

"Not to do it even if you're bleeding," He recited.

Uma sighed in annoyance while she placed her hand over her eyes. "Harry."

Harry didn't need to be told twice. He grabbed Gil on the back of his jacket. "Ye best get ready for tomorrow," He said as he dragged Gil out.

Too Good At Goodbyes 》 Descendants 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin