Chapter Fourteen

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The ribbon representing Dome Scienza was the prettiest amongst all the ribbons at the merchant's stall, for it possessed seven colors. Paola held it up to catch the daylight. The silken threads shimmered, reminding her of the glittering lights and reflective surfaces of the very tall buildings that housed the Knowledge Keepers' incredible machines.

The buxom woman with sandy blonde hair, who was tightly corseted in a skirt and blouse of dark green, fawned over her selection. "I have always said that those of Dome Scienza chose the best colors by choosing them all," she remarked concerning the ribbon. She angled another one against her leather girdle laced with ribbons of gold. "Even goes well on me, but it is ideal for someone with your lovely white hair."

Because it represented the place where she had entered life, Paola asked for three ribbons to make an intricate braid of her mane, but also to add additional adornments. She smiled to herself. Surely, she would have wanted more than that. That is what Cappello would have suggested had he been beside her.

"Anymore, my dear equina?" the woman asked. Her bright blue eyes sparkled in anticipation of another selection.

Paola considered the different domes she had visited. With the additions of Dome Pecora and Dome Erba, her count now stood at twelve. She studied the merchandise representing some of those domes. Dome Aquatica's ribbon was a lovely aquamarine stitched with fish and shells made of silver and copper threads. Dome Musica's was a deep burgundy with gold piping along its edges. Everyone who thrived in Dome Letterario composed books. That dome's ribbon was rather a comical commentary on the occupation of the inhabitants: it was ivory and patterned with black splotches resembling inkblots. If she were to construct a boast ribbon for Dome Pecora, she would choose a mint green fabric and stitch upon it the dome's symbol with a cream-colored thread to honor the odd animals that she had encountered there.

Although she had been a decent Courier, she had not done anything spectacular or notable in her work to earn a boast ribbon until now. But having gone to a long forgotten dome with a feline companion was not a fact that she could broadcast.

"Three of these will do nicely," she said to the woman as she silenced her conflicting thoughts. "I see you also have some adornment stones."

"Oh yes!" The merchant picked up a green stone and something that resembled a little silver cup. "They can be put in these holders and attached to the ribbons. Very fanciful. How many would like?"

"Five stones and five brass holders," Paola said evenly. Silver, although pretty, was far too expensive. The price of her transaction so far would drain not only her bonus, but also a good chunk of her currency. She would have enough for lodging, but would need to find a way to line up another Carry more quickly than she would have desired. Whatever Gemma had hoped to accomplished had clearly ended, along with her role in her plan.

The woman gave a sharp intake of breath. "Thank you so much, my equina. You must have had a good and profitable Carry! Are you sure that you don't want even more ribbons to go with your stones?"

Paola shook her head from side to side.

"Well, pick out your stones. Carnelian is the most expensive, but I also have a nice green adventurine and pink quartz. Those are much cheaper."

Except for their gold sparkle, the stones from Dome Pecora were a close match to the carnelians in color. Paola quickly grabbed five of the red stones and gave them to the merchant.

"My!" the woman said in amazement. If you ever come back to Dome Biblia, think of me, and I will give you a good price. I will give you an added discount for your custom now." She pulled forward a gold necklace. The teardrop pearl had nestled comfortably in her cleavage. The woman touched it to the gem in Paola's neck. The warmth of the energy exchange between her gem and the pearl and the closeness of the woman's body made the little equina blush.

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