A satisfied tap of a stylus against the desktop finally ended her waiting. "I will take the herbs now," Annunciata remarked.

Paola retrieved the paper-wrapped packet from her pouch and set it upon the desk. As the recipient was dead, the little woman opened it. She picked up one of the plant stalks and pulled a leaf. She rubbed it against her fingertips making the pungent fragrance even more pronounced. Very effective for the treatment of arthritis," she said rather clinically. "How Gemma suffered, especially with the pains in her feet. That is why the Chief Librarian moved her here, and not because of Petronella's cackling," she said. She had lingered on the name of Gemma's nemesis with a hostility that was surprising given her otherwise gentle nature. Annunciata pushed aside the stalks. "There are a few others who can benefit from this purchase. I will send them to our healer."

Annunciata folded her hands. "Paola Equina," she said firmly.

She used the gift of her name and that brought the equina to attention. Gemma had taken the time to make the notation in the records before she had died!

"The ring record indicates that Gemma sent a copy of Nicolo's treatise on humor called Perché Ridiamo to her friend Alessandro in Dome Erba. I have checked the inventory of Gemma's possessions. She listed every book she personally owned as is required by librarian law. But that book has not been documented. Can you describe to me what you delivered?"

She was trapped in the question with no way out but to simply tell what she had seen of the book. Gemma had made the contract; but she was dead and free from any harm from her words. But what of Alessandro, who had been so upset at the gift bestowed upon him? The volume was something clearly different from what its title announced.

Paola began, "It was the smallest book I had ever seen." She made a gesture with her hands to indicate its approximate size. "Only so long by so wide." She paused allowing Annunciata to measure her words. The librarian nodded. She had the information either before her on the desk or in her mind to compare to what the equina related.

Paola continued. "It was black. The spine was tooled with gold leaves." She raised her right hand. "The front cover had a design that looked like a hand." She kept to herself the fact that the book did not open, which shielded its secrets. "There were no letters inscribed upon it, my lady. And even if there were, I could not name them, for I cannot read."

Annunciata nodded vigorously. "It is of no consequence, Paola. You have accurately described your Carry. I still do not understand, however, why she neglected to note it among her personal effects as we are all required to do."

The equina made a bold move. "Perhaps, she had only recently purchased it. When I initially arrived at Dome Biblia, I noticed that there were many book stalls."

"Possibly, but all vendors must register their inventory with us, and this book was not listed among them."

The question they both wanted to ask filled the space between them, pushing each one until Annunciata said, "I have yet to give the shelf order to my assistant to check for this volume. It is in the catalog of the Library. But I cannot believe...."

Relief! Annunciata clearly favored Gemma and believed in her integrity and honesty. Would she be disappointed to know that her mentor had indeed stolen a book?

"You were seen in the stacks with Gemma. It is not against the rules to bring an equina into the building, at least not for one of her rank."

"You know that to be true, for we met you there," Paola said in confirmation of her observation.

The accusations finally came. "But why were you there? Where did you go? What did you do?

Paola straightened. She had no power to have stopped Gemma's theft. She could have refused the Carry, but the woman's distress and the story of Sacrifice had fueled her curiosity and had put her on a forbidden path. She answered as truthfully as she could. "She suddenly wished to look for a book. As we had not finished conducting our business yet, she ordered me to accompany her to save time. I cannot read the stack designations. We finally did stop at a section she called Mysteries--Other. She examined a volume; then, we left to finish our business." That response was technically correct, but incomplete.

"So the spot on the shelf...."

"Remained occupied."

Annunciata narrowed her eyes in assessment of her words. "Very well." Whether she had discerned that something was amiss or approved of her explanation, Paola could not tell by her even tone.

"Nicolo's treatise would not have been in that section anyway. If Petronella insists that I send someone to find it I will, but that is a waste of a librarian's time," she said, seemingly satisfied with the extent of their discourse.

The little woman waved her hand. "I have added some extra currency to your gem. Enjoy some boast ribbons in Gemma's honor. Tonight, splurge on extra grooming and get your mane beautifully braided with them. We will meet tomorrow with Petronella. You can tell her what you told me and exonerate Gemma. That vicious woman was a fool to have thought that she could have ever stolen a book!"

Thankfully, the librarian had not asked to examine her pouch, even though it was her right to do so. Fate had given the equina time to hide the stones she had received from Dome Pecora, and the little woman had given her the way to do it. Paola bowed and left the office of the temporary Keeper of the Accounts.

She had yet to learn what had happened to Gemma's crystals from which she had called forth her dome map. Walking toward the marketplace, she suddenly halted. Her initial shock dissipating, she finally realized what was also missing from the office: Gemma's orb.

And Miacarabella was nowhere to be seen.

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