Chapter 18: Getting To Know Peeta

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I chew on a piece of cold chicken. Peeta told me he managed to get a sword and a backpack from the cornucopia. There wasn't much in the pack. A loaf of bread, which Peeta ate, rope, a sleeping bag and a net. It's not a lot, but they're all still useful. Before the hovercraft came and collected Rue, I took her jacket and water bottle. I should've let her keep them, but me and Peeta need to get everything we can to survive. I miss her already.

"Is that chicken good?" Peeta startles me as he breaks the silence.

"Very." I reply; my mouth full.

"So how many tributes are left?" He asks.

I think for a moment, "Ten," I take another bite, "Did you kill anyone at the cornucopia?"

"No, I grabbed everything I could and ran. I didn't want to risk losing my life by trying to take someone else's," He sighs, "Look, we should probably find some more water. Did your friend say where the lake was?"

"It's not far from here." I say, getting up.

I lead us in the direction Rue and I came from and we soon come to the lake. The water looks contaminated, but we have no choice but to drink it.

I fill up the water bottle and drink the whole thing. I then fill it up again and hand it to Peeta. He takes a few sips and passes it back.

"Is that it?" I ask astonished.

He merely nods his head. I shrug and gulp the rest of it down, then fill it up again once more.

It's getting dark, we need to rest. I suggest we go up in a tree, but he seems to have a better idea. We climb up the bank of the lake and find a spot where the ground isn't damp. I lay down and Peeta covers me with leaves.

"These will camouflage you." He says.

"What about you?" I ask as he lays down next to me.

"Don't worry, I can cover myself."

"Okay, well goodnight."

"Goodnight Prim."

I'm just falling asleep when a cannon booms and jumps me out of my skin. I sit up and start to cry. Peeta's awake too, and comforts me. He tells me that everything's going to be okay and everything's we'll be alright. But I know it's not. It's only a matter of time before we have to come face to face with another tribute. Peeta knows I'll never survive.

The anthem plays and we watch the sky for the dead tributes. Clove, the boy from 3 and Rue. That's it.

I lay back down and turn away from Peeta, trying not to cry again.

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