Chapter 4: The Train

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I shut the wooden door behind me and come face to face with Peeta. He looks at me solumly. He still doesn't say anything to me though.

"The train isn't going to wait forever." Effie sighs.

I quickly turn and march towards the end of The Hall Of Justice. I shove open the doors and a shiny, metallic, long train is waiting to take us to the Capitol. It's so big. I see the trains on the track passing through the District ever now and again, but they're so much different up close.

"Your carriage awaits children!" Effie says and walks into the train.

We hurriedly follow her. My heart almost stops when I see what's inside. The train is littered with gold, silver, and most off all, food. There's loads of it! So while we're starving in District 12, they're here eating like kings.

Effie shows us to our rooms. Peeta still hasn't spoken to me yet. My room is warm, with deep colours filling it. Red, purple, blue. It's nice. I walk towards the bed and slump onto it. I want to stay here forever. Not have to worry about the games, or when i'm going to die, or whether i'll ever see my family again. I don't want to think about that anymore.

I grab the remote and turn on the TV. Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith appear.

"I love this part: The moment when a tribute becomes a victor." Caesar says proudly.

He plays a clip of the 66th Hunger Games. One male is on top of another male. It looks like they're in a sand-like arena with ruins everywhere. The male on top picks up a brick off the floor and brings it down on the underneath male's head. The victor stands in triump. I switch it off; unable to watch anymore of the torture. I wonder what the arena i'll be in will look like? I don't really know what i'm hoping for. The woods would only be good for my sister, I can't really swim. I suppose caves would be okay because i'm small; I can hide.

All of a sudden, the lights switch off. It must be bed time. I rub my eyes and crawl into bed. I roll onto my stomach and feel a pinch on my skin. My mockingjay pin that Katniss gave me. I unclip it and squeeze it in my palm. I want to go home.

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