|| Nine ||



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I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS thinking. Actually, I did and that was the problem.

I waited in the water on my board, as I scanned the beach before me. People were everywhere tonight, and I could hear music playing from all different places, mixing together to create something terrible.

   All the music I needed was the sound of the waves surrounding me. The Atlantic was warm, reflecting the pink and orange sky. The Sun was dipping at the horizon, and I dreaded swimming back in.

   I could make out Birdie's form from here.

She was sitting with a few kids from school, along with Edin, who I wished would stop stealing glances of me. Birdie on the other hand, hadn't even noticed I was out here.

I looked down at my hand and clenched it as the memory took over my brain for the thousandth time. I slapped the water, as I turned to take in the last of the wakes coming in.

   Sadly, I only road one more before the light completely disappeared. I trekked through the shallow water, and tossed my board close to where I had lain my towel, but as I reached for it, someone else grabbed it.

   "Hey, Hudson. Looking good."

   Jenny Olson was standing before me in nothing, but a string purple bikini. Jenny had been my middle school girlfriend, and probably my biggest mistake.

   In high school, she turned out to be someone completely different. She became head cheerleader at St. Mary's, while her Mother, the head cheer coach, would sleep with half the men in St. Mary's, even the one's who were taken.

That's not why Jenny had been a mistake.

   "Jenny, could you give me back my towel?" I stated annoyed.

   "Wow, no, Hi Jenny, you look good too?" She begged.

   I gave her my biggest, fake smile I could muster. "Hi Jenny, you look the same. Can I have my towel please?" I mocked. Jenny just groaned, while rolling her eyes.

   "Fine, here."

   Jenny Olson stepped towards me with my towel, and started drying my stomach off herself.

   "What the hell, Jen?" I barked at her, tearing my towel from her grasp. She just laughed, along with a few other of her cheer friends that were standing just behind her.

   "I just want you to know, that I'm here all Summer for you Hudson. You know, if you are looking for some fun." Jenny gave me her signature, coy smile and ventured back to where the bonfire was.

That's why she had been a mistake. She was my first, when I had so badly wanted it to be someone else. Someone that didn't belong to me.

Someone that didn't see me that way.

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