That's Non Of Our Business

Start from the beginning

The students in the room were beginning to take their seats, and Rebekah's eyes scanned the room in search for her torturer.

Oddly, they failed to find him.

Rebekah hurried towards her desk, scrunching her brows. She plopped her bag on the ground and continued to search; he wasn't there.

Kayden Samuels thought he was the school's tank. Surely, he was going to show up late to lesson. Rebekah had never seen him on time, so why was she so confused now?

She felt he was consistently watching her steps, but maybe she was watching his.


This is what these boys were doing. Making her blame herself for their actions. Ethan may have got 12/80 on his Maths exam, but when it came to hurting another, he was an A* student.

Miss Laramie began handing out the books, and Kade still hadn't walked through the door. Rebekah knew Kade wouldn't miss her lesson. She was a young woman, only in her mid twenties. Miss Laramie had golden blonde hair that was always tied up into a ponytail, but somehow reached her hips. She had piercing blue eyes and freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks.  Kade and his stupid friends spent the entire time flirting with her, and she was happy to flirt back. She didn't act intelligently, considering she was a teacher. Kade was a moron.

If only Miss Laramie knew what he was really like. She wouldn't be harmlessly flirting then.

Throughout the entire lesson, Rebekah couldn't concentrate. The fact that he hadn't arrived had her questioning his whereabouts. Was he attempting to murder someone else? Where could he be?

Class was dismissed and Rebekah rushed out the room as if her life depended on it and scurried down the corridor, for some reason trying not to be seen.

For the next few periods, Rebekah didn't see Kade, and she gave up wondering where he could be; she was fed up with thinking he could possibly be lurking in the distance, awaiting her. She was mentally exhausted with this car crash that had entered her life.

It was time for lunch, and she made her way to the cafeteria. She picked up her food from the cue, and went and sat down. Rebekah couldn't help but think back to that day; how she was right now reminded her all too well of it. This had been the start of it. She'd came into the canteen, sat alone and enjoyed the aroma, only to be bombarded by Vicky and the girls, then the boys including them.

Could the way she'd positioned herself now be telling her something?

Whilst eating alone, Rebekah's mind wandered back to Janine. This bad ass girl, who drank and smoked had never once entered her mind, unless Rebekah seen her. But since hearing she was missing, Janine was all she could think about; it was driving her crazy. It really did prove that nobody cares until you're gone, because now she's nowhere to be seen, people are questioning what's happened to her. Even Rebekah.

Rebekah's thoughts were interrupted when someone's hands slammed onto the table, and Rebekah jumped in fright, letting out a little yelp.

She darted her eyes up, and she was surprised to see Ethan, a serious look on his face. Breathing in, she turned to see the rest of the people around her gazing at her like she had three heads, and she immediately felt the heat rise into her cheeks. She looked like such a fool- overreacting from a little tap on the table. Rebekah must've thought it was someone else, but it was just someone similar...

" Someone's jumpy," Ethan pointed out, taking a seat in front of Rebekah, and she shuffled back, a scowl covering her face. She was still embarrassed. People were whispering.

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