Life in the eyes of a Slut

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I have sooo much homework so this is going to be a short chapter. And I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post for awhile. So enough with the apologies and back to Life in the Eyes of a Slut!


Life in the Eyes of a Slut


After the internal battle with myself, the whole room started to spin. I became so dizzy that my knees buckled out from underneath me and I collapsed. I couldn't believe it, first I was a slut and then I was a slut with major problems with myself.

"Great, just great." Where the only words I could muster. In the distance I heard my sister laughing like an idiot and I felt something try to pull me up so I could stand.

"Steven! Can you please carry Torah to the car? We're going to be late to her graduation!" I heard my mom yell this but everything was super fuzzy. The next thing I know my dad picked me up, which just made my sister start laughing again.

"Melissa! Is that anyway to behave when your sister is upset about graduating?" Mom had her 'this is my baby you're talking about' voice on. Melissa glared at me while I gave her an evil grin that only little sisters learn to make.


At Cartiver Jr. High


My family and I rushed into the auditorium just to see Lexi making out with some random dude. Or at least I saw Lexi making out with some random guy, my mom started to cry, Melissa mumbled something about rather be studying for exams and my dad comforted my mom and found them seats to watch me graduate.

"This is going to be interesting." I whispered to myself as I started to walk up to Lexi and random guy. I forced a smile as I tapped Lexi's shoulder. She looked up, her usually straight brown hair was sticking up everywhere and her makeup... well let's just say she's seen better days.

"Come on Lexi we need to go to the bathroom, NOW. You can introduce me to your 'friend' later. Okay?" I felt like I was talking to a four year old and not an almost fourteen year old. She nodded her head slowly and then we ran to the restroom to fix her up. Only to be greeted by Jessica's moans coming from a stall.

"Blaaaakkkkeeeee!" was all we heard before running out and laughing until our sides hurt. I was used to this random make out sessions but Lexi and I found it downright hilarious to lose your virginity in a bathroom stall. I mean who does that?

"We are soo going to tease her about that one later." Lexi managed to choke out in between laughs. I could only nod because I was laughing like crazy! We finally calmed down and just in time to run to ANOTHER restroom and fix up Lexi. Then we sprinted like mad to the auditorium to stand in the place for the graduation.


Wow Jessica really is a slut! But then what do you expect, the story is revolving around sluts. I have a major headache so I didn't get to edit and I don't know when ill be able to post next, maybe over the weekend or when I can't sleep? Well ciya!

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