Chapter 5: Secret Project?

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Author's Note:

Hey guys I'm finally going to continue this story(BE THANKFUL) because of many request(Only 9) so here's the new chapter...


March 12, 1942 (After half of the Year)

3rd Person POV

In China, Because of the resistance the IJA has been pushed back and now holding off the resistance from north to southeast but it is also the year when Yamamoto has been assassinated by the allies as the morale of the Navy and Army has been decreased rapidly that they thought the war is lost...

But in the underground of Tokyo lies a hidden Scientific Bunker that has most of the Empire's Scientist to research and test some new technologies or projects from soldiers to airplanes to ships and for now they are testing to make a super soldier that can even beat the Nazi's Super soldiers and their first test subject and the first to accept this gift is Y/N Yamamoto who has been claimed dead because of the accident half a year ago...

Meanwhile to The Palace

Kumi's POV

I have waited for half a year just to bring Y/N back but after the news of Y/N and his father's deaths spread throughout the world, the whole Empire is in an uproar for revenge, even the generals or the admirals have been devastated by the news that they started to lose concentrations for the attack like in Guam that most of the ships has been destroyed but thankfully the Carriers and the Yamato made back in perfect shape except for the Yamato that has been damaged by some torpedos and high explosive bombs from the USN Planes from the Carriers...

Kumi:"This is a huge comeback for the Allies, Father" I said as me and my father are calm enjoying the peace of the garden

Emperor:"Yes, But if the experiment is a success, then we have a much more than a comeback to flip the tides of war to our side" he said as he sip a cup of tea

Kumi:"Indeed, With Y/N's Intelligence and a Master Tactician in the Battlefield, The Empire of The Rising Sun may have a chance to win this war" I said as I looked back to the beautiful scenery in front of me...

Emperor:"With the Northern and Southeast China in a final foothold of the Army, we may need more resources than our generals ever thought" he said as he stood up calmly then motion for me to follow him. "Come, we need to see this experiment if it ever works" he said as he walk down to a secret passage of the Empire Household...


3rd Person's POV

The High Officials of the Empire even the Emperor and Princess Kumi gathered in a underground scientific bunker of Japan...

Kumi:"I didn't thought that they will use Y/N's body... to experiment" she said holding back the anger towards the scientist for doing this dishonorable towards their fellow men...Y/N...

General Tojo:"For your understanding, Princess Kumi *Head Bow Lightly to Her*... If the experiment is truly a success then bringing General Y/N back will surely bring the men's spirit up for the war" he said while not looking up to me in respect...

Emperor:"He is right... I already agreed to let them use his body... It's for the sake of our Empire" he said still looking through a large window where they can all see a large room with 15 scientist running around to make sure that there will be no failure...

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