One particular painting grabbed my attention and I walked towards it. As if on impulse, my hand reached out and started tracing every single thing on the painting.

A faceless man was holding the moon and sun on both hands while standing on earth and stars twinkled around him.

I was so engrossed in the painting and didn't take note of my surroundings. It was as if I was drawn to it.

"I don't really like people touching my things," a voice said.
I jumped and my heartbeat spiked  up. I put my hands on my chest and closed my eyes trying to calm down.

"Little one,open your eyes," the same voice said.

I opened it and my jaw dropped.

Oh my goodness!

His hair was black and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream,it looked like liquid silver with the moon at the centre and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other.

He seemed moulded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. Lacquered and enamelled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiselled into shape by a master craftsman.

They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze. They were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two silver jewels enwrought in snow. He was 6'5 feet with bulging muscles.

He was wearing a tight transparent white shirt with the first two buttons undone.

It showed his abs and well broadened chest.He wore black pants and boots.

I stared astonished and kept gawking,my eyes kept going over his body till I came back to his face to see him staring at me with one eyebrow raised.

I looked down embarrassed with a red face.

"Your mouth was open for so long and I thought you were going to stay like that forever but anyways,it is fine."

He stared at me from head to toe with his eyes lingering on my face.

"You look more beautiful in person, the portraits I saw did no justice to your beauty," he said, rubbing his jaws as if analysing me.

I blushed scarlet red although confused.

"What portraits?" I asked out of curiosity.


"How did you even get my portraits?" I asked confused and a bit scared.

"That's for me to know and for you to keep on wondering," he said with a cocky smile.

Bastard, he was playing with me.

"Who are you?" I asked,frowning.

"Ah, I guess you were taken aback by my looks   that you forgot to ask for my name?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

He reminded me of Drake.Drake, I almost burst out in tears thinking about him again.

Taking in deep breaths, I composed myself and asked again, "Who are you?"

He sighed, "Why do you want to know so bad?"

I stared blankly at him. Is he stupid or what?

"Well, you are a complete stranger and I don't feel very comfortable speaking with you."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Since you are so much dying and wanting to know my name, I am Vernandos."

I never heard of his name in mother's stories and I am very sure he isn't human.

"What type of creature are you?"

"I guess Asteria has filled you in about Mesophath?"

"Yes, she told me the little she could," I whispered with a teardrop falling from my eyes.

"I am sorry but I can not tell you who I am currently, you must return to where you came from."

Scared, I yelled out, "No!  Pls don't take me back to that forest."

"I have no choice little one, till we meet again," he said, smiling sadly at me.

Colours swirled around and I saw myself falling in to darkness again.

The darkness was back,so were the voices.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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