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"taehyung close your mouth, it's impolite to leave it hanging open." his father fixed his tie in the mirror.

"what do you mean my new babysitter? where's hae-rin?" taehyung stared at the raven in almost disgust, wondering why his parents got him a male babysitter.

"hae-rin told me she was busy with exams and wouldn't be able to babysit for a few weeks." his mother kissed him on the cheek, "you two have fun tonight."

before taehyung could say another word, his parents waved the two goodbye and left, the door slamming behind them. taehyung and jungkook stood in silence, a wave of awkwardness falling over them.

"so you're taehyung?" jungkook finally spoke up, surprising taehyung with his deep voice.

the brunet didn't answer back, his eyes glued to the wooden door.

"i thought you were nine." the raven let out a chuckle, finally earning for taehyung to look at him, this time with a glare though.

"i'm nineteen. and i don't need a babysitter." he huffed, examining the new man's body and clothes.

"yeah, well i'm twenty-one and your parents wanted me to watch over you, so i'm going to watch over you. now i'm going to make sandwiches, do you want one?"

"i'm going to my room." taehyung pushed past the older, "sandwiches are for children."

taehyung staggered to his bed and fell on it, pulling out his phone and groaning. guess he wasn't going out tonight.

hey baek

bae 💩
how's it going with the hottie

bae 💩
did you bang her yet ??

my parents got me a new babysitter

bae 💩
oh that sucks !

bae 💩
she hot at least

it's a dude

bae 💩
oh man you are screwed now

can you come save me

let's go to a party

bae 💩
nope haha i'm already booked for the night !

bae 💩
have fun with your new babysitter ;)

taehyung sighed letting his phone drop beside him. it's been five minutes since his parents left and he's already bored. the brunet rolled on his bed, searching his brain for at least something to do. his ears perked up when he heard a voice singing. he got off the bed and slowly pulled his door open, tiptoeing across the hall and down the stairs to follow the singing voice.

he hid behind a wall as he saw jungkook singing a song he didn't recognize, twirling back and forth while making his sandwich. the brunet become mesmerized with the older's melodic voice, his eyes glued to the movement of his body.

"i didn't know you could sing." taehyung muttered entering the kitchen, his abrupt arrival nearly making jungkook trip over his own feet.

"i dont sing often, but i love it." a smile appeared on the older's face, "did you come down for a sandwich?"

"im bored and there's no one else here but you." taehyung sat at the island, cupping his cheek with his hand. "tell me something interesting."

"well i babysit adults, that's quite interesting." jungkook laughed at the growl the younger gave him. "i love singing and playing instruments. my dream is to make music professionally, but my parents want me to take over the family business, so the dream's dead."

taehyung watched as he smeared mayonnaise and mustard over two slices of breads, carefully laying a single piece of lettuce, ham and cheese on top, closing the sandwich, cutting it diagonally and handing one slice to taehyung.

"i told you, sandwiches are for children." the brunet pushed it away.

"come on, it's my world famous sandwich, just take a bite." jungkook rolled his eyes at the younger's stubbornness.

the aforementioned man grumbled some curses, snatching the slice out of jungkook's hand and chomping down on it. it was just a sandwich with basic ingredients, nothing special about that.

"so how is it?" the raven leaned over the island, coming closer to taehyung.

"fine? i don't know, it's a sandwich."

jungkook sighed bringing his fingers up towards taehyung's face and gently wiped mustard off of the corner of his mouth, licking it. "you even eat like a child."

taehyung's heart thumped at a fast pace, his eyes following the raven's every movement.

"what? do you need me to feed you the rest of the sandwich? you really are a kid." the older grabbed the slice and brought it to taehyung's mouth, nudging it against his lips. "come on, open up."


oh it's getting good

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