"Roger, I'm so sorry about this, we'll continue with the meeting tomorrow. Free hour." He gave this Roger guy an apologetic look. Hmm, he must be very rich if this selfish asshole is offering free services.

"That's fine, I'm sure this lovely young lady must be distressed to barge in like this." Ew, who's this old guy winking at? Move along, dude.

"Ok, what is the meaning of this, Kendra? That was a very important client!" He clenched his teeth as soon as Mr Big shot got out the door.

"Oh, the calm & professional Mr. Hunter is gone already? What a shame." I closed the door and walked over to him.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" He said with an annoyed sigh pinching the bridge of his nose.

I would, but knowing you, your nasty ass probably tainted every inch of this office, is what I wanted to say.

"No thanks, this won't take long." I started scrolling through my phone.

"Well, what do you want except of course being a bane in my existence?" He asked as he tidied up his desk.

"Oh, I'm about to be much more. You see, my social media nonsense as you call it, is not nonsense at all. Guess what I found out?" I put my hand on my hip.

"What are you talking about?" He frowned. "I'm talking about this." I handed him my phone and it took a few seconds before realisation and fear became present in his eyes. Yes, boo. I know what you did.

"How did you..." His voice got a bit shaky.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is you have to tell her. I'm not playing this time."

"Kendra, I can't. She'll leave me or go crazy and actually kill me this time." His eyes were wide with fear now.

"Exactly! I'm surprised you didn't stop your bullshit when she nearly run your ass over. You really don't value your life that much huh?" Seriously, this man is so dumb.

"Kendra, c'mon! She'll take away everything! Including Ariel." That's their four year old daughter.

"Well, you should've thought about that before you got another woman pregnant! You have 24 hours or I'm telling her." With that I stormed out.

I can't believe him! He really expects me to keep this from my own sister?! I mean yeah sure, our relationship is not the best but when it comes down to it, we look out for each other.

I stood in front of the elevator and started searching through my bag for my hand for my sanitizer and sprayed it on before pressing on the button, it seemed to take forever so I started pressing it repeatedly thinking that would make it go faster.

The door opened finally opened and I looked up at the person inside. Holy baby Moses!

Let me explain something to you, you don't know attraction until you feel your ovaries fertilise instantly and that is exactly what this man just did to me.

"Uh, hello? Are you ok?" I will be as soon as I have your babies. I guess he noticed that I froze literally on the doorway of the elevator.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." I snapped out of it. I took him in from his beautiful chocolate brown skin to his height, his confident posture, well groomed facial hair, his big, strong, manly arms. You know those arm that can hold you and cuddle you at night?

I want those arms around me, those perfect hands on me, I want to be caressed by those long fingers, fingers which had a platinum band on one.

And just like that, my dreams of having beautiful brown babies with this fine specimen were crushed, there was absolutely no way I was messing around with a married man.


"Uh, do you think you'll move anytime this year?" He smirked revealing his perfect teeth.

I'm sure his wife is a very lucky woman. For all I know maybe even husband.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I just..." I stumbled over my words not knowing what to say, never had I been more grateful that I couldn't blush at that moment.

He chuckled with a voice that sounded like it came from the core of his chest as he came out of the elevator after I moved aside. "It's fine, so what kind of legal trouble can a beautiful woman like you get into that you ended up here?"

"His voice was so hypnotizing. It was deep and so, so sexy. I know I probably sound very cliché, but I can't help it. That's just the truth."

"I think the question here is, what is a man like you doing here?" I shot back teasingly with a raised brow.

"Let's just say I have a little dispute going on with a client."

"So it's just business, huh? Well, good luck then. I have to get going, it was nice meeting you." I said noticing the time knowing I have other engagements I had to attend for the day.

"Wait." He grabbed my arm just as I was about to walk away and I looked at him questionably, "Can we go out for a coffee sometime?"

"Why?" was the first thing out of my mouth because honestly, that was kinda random.

"I'm not sure, honestly. I'd just like to talk and get to know you a bit better." He gave a dangerous sexy smirk. That smirk that could start wars among countries. And as much as I wanted to say yes...

"I'm sorry, but you're married and I don't swing like that unfortunately. Again, it was really nice meeting you, bye." I rushed inside the elevator as soon as it opened after I pushed the button.

"I didn't even bother looking back up at him, I needed to get the hell out of there, I needed to escape before I ended making the best mistake of my life."


A/N Hey guys, I'm going to update as often as I can depending on how many votes or comments I get cause sometimes a person just needs some motivation.

Like I said, don't expect too much change, and to all those who read the old chapter, what do you think?

If you're wondering about the last paragraph, if I put paragraphs written in bold, that means she's back in therapy talking.

Don't forget to vote!❤

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