"I think I heard the rumors wrong.. I think that there were rumors about you, Melissa, not running for the president anymore.." What?! How did this girl even know? I was so sure that the conversation between me and Mrs Kraus was private enough for it not to leak. "Is that true Melissa? If it is, why?" I turn my head to Skye who was giving me a look of worry. We don't know whether we could trust Mary or not. There's just something about her that I can't trust.

She nodded as I looked at Mary. "How did you know?" She sighed. "You see, Mrs Miller is the student council head.. Winchester did really go to her in attempt to run for president.." I nodded, motioning for her to continue.

"But Mrs Miller didn't approve of her because she has records.. So, she didn't qualify for the place.. Mrs Miller told her that even though she needs one more candidate, she wouldn't accept Winchester.."

"And that's where we knew that one of you and Carroll isn't going to run for president.. Rumors has it, you.." I sat down and buried my face in my hands as I close my eyes. "Oh babe, stop worrying.. If Winchester really did run, she wouldn't even stand a damn chance against Carroll.." My best friend's voice came closer as I felt an arm wrapping around me.

I chuckled then moved my hands away from my face. "Thanks for the info, Mary.." She smiled and nodded. "Anything for the out.." I playfully slapped Mary's arm after she had said that. More students filled the room, Mary waved and went to her seat. "God sake.." I mumbled, leaning my head on my desk.

"You'll be good, I promise you.." Skye reassured once more as she pat my back before going back to her own seat.

Yeah, better be good or else, I'll kill Winchester..



"Sup, sissy!" Carl ran to me as I open my arms to catch and carry him. "Hey, Carl! How's my little brother?" I questioned as the little man that I'm holding frowned and folded his arms in an angry manner.

"I'm not a little man anymore! Look, I'm growing! I am a centimeter longer than before!" I chuckled at his answer. "Congratulations then! Growing man!" He smiled then hugged me. I hugged him back. I really love my little bro, and I can't imagine my life without him.

I would be insane without him. He's the only one who understands me, he knows what to tell me whenever I tell him something.. He always listens to me.. He may be a little man, but his mind is wider than anyone else's here, even mine.

I love him so much.

I couldn't bear to lose him. After mom's disappearance, Carl was able to comfort me with his innocence and goofiness.

"Hey Carl, do you want sissy to pick you up later?" He pulled away from the hug, and then looked at me with wide eyes and smile. "Of course! I missed sissy picking me up from school! Yey! I love you sissy!" I chuckled then said, "sissy loves you with all her heart, bro.."

I put him down as I kneel down to his height. I hold his arms, rubbing my hands on each side. I look at his little cute, adorable face. Green eyes, brown hair, pale skin.. Everything similar to me. He is like my twin who was born years younger than me. Both of us looks like our mom..


I felt tears forming in my eyes at the thought of her. Carl held my face in his little hands. "Please don't cry sissy.." His little tone was enough to stop these tears from flowing. I shot him a short smile to tell him that I'm completely fine.

"Sissy is okay, bro.. A dirt just got on my eyes.." I explained but his face scrunched up. "You always say that when you cry!" He snorted. I just pulled him into an embrace. "Carl, don't let hatred consume your heart, okay?" I felt him nod on my shoulder. "Promise me that whatever happens, you'll never shut people out like me, okay?" He tried to pull away from the embrace but I restrained him by holding him tighter. "And always be careful, okay Carl?"

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