bitchy me!

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Hey guys... It's been a while since have updated but here's one
And I love this one..enjoy 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Anna's pov

After the clash with henry, I walked away from him as fast as I could without looking back. I heard him calling out to me with the common word "hey" because he didn't know my name.. I need to talk to Hailey, she might be in the locker room changing to her cheerleading cloth

Yeah I guessed right she was there. I walked towards Hailey

"Hey Ann"Hailey said smiling

"Hi Lee...I need to talk to you"

"Boy problem?..then am all yours" she said grinning widely

" here is it..I kinda bumped into Hailey  and we were close an-"

"Aww so romantic"

"Stop it Lee" I said blushing" and I don't want to tour him round the school I don't have that courage you know...aggrh" I was confused

"Look Ann, just go do it today so you wouldn't get to do it tomorrow it's gonna make things easier between both of you" she said looking concerned

"Noo...what would I say to him?, tell him?, How am I gonna describe the school to him... Fuck so nervous"

I was so confused on what to do...gosh, and the principal made everything worse by not understanding my situation...I was pacing around the girls locker room while Hailey was tying her hair in a high ponytail humming one direction you and I . It was distracting me from thinking of what to do.

Just as I wanted to yell at Hailey to stop humming Sharon and her minions burst into the locker room walking like slay queens..duh!!

Sharon walked towards me and Hailey staring at us..she eyed me then Hailey and then fixed her gaze back to me, giving me a death glare..

Oh she gives me shivers, Anna get hold of yourself geez she's just a  normal mortal like you..phew! Now bring out your BITCHY CHARACTER (action)

"Oh Anna" Sharon faked a sad face looking down at her feet shaking her head

"Oh dear Anna. What should I do with you" she said fixing her gaze back to my face still with the fake sad face

"What's that supposed to mean" I asked feeling uneasy and confused. What could she be talking about

"Well to go straight to the point"she said back to her bitchy face

I stared at her, folding my hands

"You've been getting on my nerves lately and I don't like it. I don't want you close to him and by him I mean Henry he is mine and only mine and I don't even want you looking at him, helping him with anything like touring him round the school and I am really serious about this. If I find out you did any of those things, that's the end of your social life and you know  I mean it " she said all in one breath and raging with fury, breathing heavily

Right now she looked like a fucking beast  but I still can't believe she  said that all in one breath..ha it's so funny on how she looked right now, I guess I should take a photo of her right now and post it all on social media but that would make me be like her..I could hear Hailey chuckling at my back

"Look Sharon or whatever your name is" I said holding back the laughter and tried to look more serious " I don't give a flying fuck about you or Henry. It's not my business and I just don't know why you bother me , and Henry don't even know you, you haven't talk to him yet and you act sooo possessive of him. I care less about Henry I don't know him too neither do I want want to know him. so I think you should stay the fuck away from me because I am not in my best mood today and one last thing, I don't care if you tour him round the school it's gonna relive me of my worries a lot and I'll be so happy if you could help  me do that. Again, about the social media thingy, I don't care about it neither will I benefit anything from it because here is Lee my bestie she will stand by me no matter what, WE ARE MARRIED and again stop bothering me"

I said all that?.... Dayum where did that come from?

Sharon and her minions stared at me jaw dropped looking like they saw a ghost... Wow I like this me

"Uhn... whatever. Just stay away from Henry and I am touring him round the school" she looked at me, then Hailey and then me again before leaving the locker room

"Oh . My. Gosh annie where did you get that from? I never knew you had the bitchy in you and I love itt.. and the fact you said we are married I almost burst out laughing" she said laughing while I was dancing my happy dance

"I love it too,and even more because Sharon is gonna help me with my Henry problem" I said while dancing my happy dance " feels goood" I said mimicking Henry danger

"Yeah it does haha" Hailey said interlacing my hand with hers and we walked out of the locker room singing John bellion woke the fuck up

For the first time in senior high I felt proud of myself


End of this chapter.. actually I love it alot..who knew Ann could be so bold of talking to a mean those girls outside who feels like no one wants you, stand up to your self and make them want you

Am sorry about any blunders or misspelt words

Thanks for reading my mea alot to me

Lots of love from me 💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗☺

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