17.| Hakuna Your Tatas

Start from the beginning

The entire area grew silent as Duffy looked around the faces and settled on one, meeting the gaze of the Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Mr Shacklebolt, if I may," she approached where he was sitting, "I learned that you served on the Order of the Phoenix, a group created in order to defeat Lord Voldemort when he was a heightened threat. It worked, did it not? Under your guidance and under the guidance of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, it worked. Voldemort was not only a threat to wizarding folk but to No-Majs as well. Well, now the tables have turned, there is a threat among the No-Majs that bring our people into it as well. The Avengers are similar to that of the Order of the Phoenix."

Kingsley Shacklebolt kept a serious expression on his face but seemed intrigued by what the young witch was informing him.

"I worked with the Avengers and I have so much faith in these group of people that any threat can be dealt with, but I feel as though our people need to be informed as well. We need to be aware of what is taking place around us, not just in our countries but within the galaxy around us. There are Gods, there are aliens and we know nothing of them. There are things on our own planet that we haven't even tapped into that the No-Majs have been researching. We can't live like this anymore. The Witch Hunts damaged us, they sent us into hiding, but that doesn't mean we can't keep up with current times. The world has been changing around us and some of us are still stuck back in those times."

"So what is it that you are suggesting, Ms Dagny?" Shacklebolt asked her curiously as he leaned forward. "I think that's what we wish to know. Why have you summoned us here? What is your request."

"I wish to remain in contact with the Avengers. Currently, it is a violation of the International Statute of Secrecy and since my interaction with them, they have been obliviated. But I wish to continue working with them. I will graciously and respectfully turn down the position of Head Auror in order to serve on that team because I believe I would be able to accomplish more. Our people will not be exposed, I will not expose our communities to the world. But if we don't make some changes, we're going to get caught with our pants around our ankles when the time comes to fight again."

There seemed to be an uproar of sorts with her request, however, Babajide Akingbade called for silence and asked Duffy to exit the area so that the world leaders could discuss what was being asked of them. As she walked out, looking over in the direction of Samuel Quahog, who had been altered to fight for her right to remain with the Avengers, even though they weren't exactly her own words.

Standing outside, she was greeted by Duncan, who had not been permitted into the chambers where the world leaders were gathered. He seemed worried, chewing on his nails until she walked outside where he sprung up to his feet.

"Well, what did they say? What happened?"

"They're discussing it over," Duffy told him, " but I'm not sure if it's going to work, Duncan. They didn't want any of our world to be exposed. Do you know how furious they were having to deal with fucking YouTube videos? I never heard the end of it, I never thought they were going to give me the floor. I mean, how were we supposed to know that some dumbasses would actually take to filming this shit when they were supposed to be running? I swear to Merlin, some humans are so fucking stupid they amaze me."

"There, there, Duffy," Duncan patted her back, " it's being taken care of. We have the Witches of the World Wide Web on it. Everyone can calm their jugs in there if they're going to be bitchy about it."

"Hakuna their Tatas?" she challenged him in return, earning a wicked grin as Duncan accepted the challenge.

"Simmer dem titties."

"Soothe their boobs."

"Holster their honkers."

"Undo the calamity in their mammaries."

"Rack attack."

They went back and forth and soon enough, neither one of them knew what the hell they were talking about, but it was enough to ease the tension and lift the weight off of Duffy's shoulders. She appeared to be in a relaxed mood until the door open and Kingsley Shacklebolt walked out. Immediately, she rose to her and Duncan followed only for her and Shacklebolt to watch as Duncan saluted him.

"We have your answer, Ms Dagny if you wish to come back here and listen to it, but I have one question for you before you proceed inside."

Duffy kept a calm expression, although she had stopped breathing completely before nodding her head to signal him to continue.

"What would you do if the answer was no to your request to join the Avengers?" he asked her. "Would you deflect?"

Meeting his gaze, Duffy stood a little taller. " I remember at one point during our history lessons that the Order of the Phoenix was considered to be an enemy of the Ministry, simply because the Ministry didn't want to see what was before them at the time. Let's just say I would take great inspiration from that, Sir."

"Very well," he said with a nod of his head, " you may proceed inside."

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