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Ringing was all he could hear. Stephen lowly opens his eyes too see light above him. His blurry vision re-focused to see that he was in a hospital room. He saw his boyfriend in the chair next to him. Tony was crying and releved that he was alive, but that wasn't noticed by Stephen. He look at his hands. Mortified of what he saw. His hands were patched and his bones where attached to a metal technology like he was being tourchered like in some horror movie. Tony was crying telling Stephen how worried he was but that didn't phase him.

"What did they do to me?" Stephen muffeled. Tony was confused. It wasn't they type of reaction he expected from his injured lover.

"Baby, everything is going to be alright just rest so-"

"What did they do?!" Stephen muffeled louder. Tony paused.

"They did their best, no could have done better." Tony softly touched Stephen's hair.

"No they didn't. I could have done better."


Days, weeks, and months have passed. Stephen did everything in his power to fix his damaged hands. Seven expensive procedures and countless resarcher, but all the hard work never paid off. His hands still shake.

Tony did his best to comfort Stephen but every time he was pushed away. He wasn't able to save his boyfriend from his own mind. He didn't know anything or anyone that would open Stephen's eye and relize not everything is ruined.

"Honey I'm bac-......He didn't aprove did he?" Tony knows when don't go they right way. Especially when they don't go Stephen's way. Papers were everywhere. Tony walks towards his boyfriend, or at least he think he was.

"Stephen, I think it's time to stop. Not everything can be fixed." Tony says. His lover still refuses to listen.

"No! There has to be a way. New treatment, different medicine. I can't just give up now!" He yells pacing back and forth.

"I think it's time that you try living life differently beyond your work, maybe something will give your life meaning."

Stephen snaps. "Like what? You?" He says sarcastically.

Tony felt his heart drop to the floor.
"This is the part where you apologize."

"This is the part were you leave me alone" Stephen turns away, unaware that he is hurting the one that he needs the most.

"Stephen please, I can help. I'll take care of everything and we can be -"

"HOW STARK HOW?!! Are you going to feed me jello and we live in a shitty apartment somewhere in Brooklyn!? But that will be okay because we love eachother! Then it'll be a heart warming love story between a disabled Ex doctor and his boyfriend!! You care so MUCH don't you!?!" Tony was taken back by Stephens outburst. He never yelled at him like that before. Stephen relized he was being a bit to loud and calmed down.

"Get real Tony. There is no way you can take care of us all on your own."

Tony hand tears coming out of his eyes, but he refused to sob. He hand to deal with him for 4 and a half years. There was this story that he had in his head that he could live a second life with someone he loved, but made a mistake of falling inlove with a self-absorbed doctor. Stephen didn't deserve to know who Tony really was.

"Well I don't have time for this anymore. You can keep my stuff or throw it out or something. Good luck on trying to get back your perfect life, that I was never apart of. Oh! And I almost forgot." Tony took out his phone and threw it on the ground. He stomped on it repeatedly.
"That will just give you no worry to think to ever call me." Tony headed out the door.

"I'm sorry I loved you more." He said and closed the door.

Stephen reached out his hand but it was too late. He now compelety lost everything. Left alone in his penthouse he could no longer afford. He look into his pocket with the ring that he had for him. Tears rolled down his face and he places it back into his pocket.

Tony walked out of the building and drove off. That is when he started to break down. 4 years of his life wasted. All he could do was scream at nothing. After 15 minutes he calmed down but he was still crying. Tony pressed a button in his care.

"Call 'My ex'." He commaded. It wan't long until someone picked up.

"Hello?" A man in a deep voice said.

"Steve can you go to my house and take out some drinks from the liquor cabinet?" Tony asked. Steve can tell Tony has been crying.

"Yeah sure thing. What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'll tell you when I come to Stark Tower."


Tony's tower is a very large building with his last name on it. Stephen didn't even know it was his. He was so caught up with his own life that he had no idea who Anthony Edward Stark was. Tony's boyfriend, now ex, knew the tower existed. He would jokingly say "Hey! It's your building!" Then not know it was actually Tonys.

Once Tony went inside a blone man greeted him with drinks ready on the counter.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Steve asked. Tony smiled and walked over to the bar.

"Let me just take a swig so I'll be able to." He pours a shot into a glass and takes a drink. It burned his throat but it numb the pain a little. Tony can start to feel the tears well up in his eyes before he sarted to cry furiously agian.

Steve quickly made his way over to Tony and puts his arms around him.

"I love him! I love him so much that it hurts me!" He latches on to his friend, crying into his chest. "But I can't understand why he doesnt love me."

Steve hates it when Tony is sad. Although he never wanted to say it infront of him that he was still inlove with him. He knew that it wasn't going to happen if Tony is inlove with someone else.

"I knew the Doctor guy wasn't the right one for you... Where is he right now? I'll punch his god dam-"

"No! I won't let you hurt him." Tony grabbed on to Steve's shirt and glared at him dead in the eyes, but then cried agian. Steve calmed down held Tony closer to him.

"How do I take back 4 years of my life?" Tony whispered. Steve puts his chinon the shorter mans head.

"You just have to make it up with newer memories."

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