Chapter 1

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My friends and I were at the mall shopping and trying on different outfits. That is one of the things we enjoyed doing together. I really enjoyed being with my friends. They're all so beautiful and funny. Diana doesn't really hang with us so much. Although we have been friends for along time. She doesn't call or text us much either. I think out of all my friends, I like Reylene the most. She is always there for me. No matter what. Caroline is very beautiful to me. She is also very talented too. She could sing, dance, and act. All of us were thinking about being in he talent show this school year. Mari talks a lot. I really enjoy her telling us about her culture. She is from Madrid, Spain. Which is a beautiful country.

Anyways, we are at the mall. Caroline stepped out of dressing room. "How do i look in this, you guys?" Caroline said. "Beautiful" I said. "Great, Im buying it." she said. She quickly took the dress off. Then she went over to the clerk and paid for the dress. "Aj, I would love to see you in this outfit. It will look great on you." Mari said. I literally busted out laughing. Mari pick a werid looking pot a dot dress. Mari was laughing so hard. "Why did pick out a grandmas dress?" I ask still laughing. Reylene looked at us and shook her head. "You guys are so crazy." Reylene said. Hours Later, we got ready to go home. Mari's mom came and picked her up. Caroline has her own car. Me and Reylene drove home in my car.

"I think we should go check on Diana" Reylene said. "I tried to text her at the mall but she didn't answer me back" Reylene said. "Sure Reylene"I ask.  I turn on to Walman Street. The street that Diana lives on. I turned into her driveway. Her parents must be gone some where. I don't see their car parked no where. Reylene and I got out of the car. We ranged the doorbell. Seconds later, Diana came to the door. She looked so pale. Her house was so dark. We stood there at the door. "Hi, Diana how are You ?" I asked. "Im okay" she said. "Where are your parents?" Reylene asked. Diana said that her parents were done out of town for the week. "Ohh how rude of me come on in you guys?" Diana said. We enter Dianas home. "So Do you guys want a drink or something?" Diana said. "No Thanks" we both said. "We're just here to check up on you" I said. "Ohh, Thanks. But im fine though" She said with a blink face. "So would you like hang with us tomorrow?" Reylene asked. "No, I- Im sorry" Diana said. "Why?"I asked. She said she had other plans. "ohh.. well... okay then." Reylene said.  "Well, why didn't you answer Reylene's text." I said. "Listen, Aj... Reylene, Im so so sorry i have been ignoring you guys, I have been so busy."Diana said. "Diana, We understand. You should just hang with us more"Reylene said. "Yeah, We love you. we want to send time with you."I added. "Well.....We should get going, It's getting late."Reylene said. Me and Reylene head out the door. Diana is standing on the porch waving goodbye. Then she closes the door.

Something is not right with Diana. But i don't know what it is. I don't wanna think about it now i just want go home and go to sleep. "Good night, Reylene. See you tomorrow." I said. "Good night"she said. "Hey, Reylene." She turned around. "Did something seen wrong with Diana?"I asked. "Um....No Why?"She said. So I told her never and I drove off. I was to tried to talk about it.

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