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Me: Do you know a boy named Dylan Dawson?

John: How do you know about him?

Me: So you do know.

I looked at John and he sighed. I knew he didn't want to tell me but he was going to cause we tell each other everything.

John: You don't know anything about him?

Me: If I did I wouldn't be asking dummy.

John: All I know about him is that he went to juvie because he supposedly killed his sister and stole.

I was in shock. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know wether to talk or not.

Me: Wh-Why did he do that?

John: I don't know. Everyone thought he loved his sister but I guess not.

Me: There has to be a reason behind that.

John: Nobody knows. All I know is that he's dangerous and I'd stay away from him. He's bad news.

Me: He's kinda at my school.

John: Just stay clear of him ok? I don't want you to get hurt.

Me: Trust me. I'll stay away.

/Side note from Blair/
•Little did I know that I would soon be falling hard for that boy. In fact how about I stop talking and let's get to that part shall we.
/End of note/

/Next Day at School/

I waved bye to Carter and he sped down the road. I opened the doors then walked into the hallway. The first place I went to was my locker. As I was putting my coat in my locker I heard screaming coming from outside. I quickly shut my locker and went outside to see what was going on.

When I got outside I saw Dylan and Beck (the biggest dick in the whole school and quarterback for the football team) screaming and punching each other.

Beck: You can't just come into this fucking school and expect to take my girlfriend away from me!

Dylan: You're girlfriends a fucking whore!

Hannah (Becks girlfriend) clung onto Beck.

Beck: Don't you call my girlfriend that Dawson! I'm not the one who killed my own sister!

Dylan: I didn't kill her! I loved her!

Beck: Oh yeah? And who's gonna believe you huh? I'm not the one who went to juvie.

Dylan rolled his eyes then punched Beck in the eye. The fight started to get more intense so I went back inside so I wouldn't get in trouble.

Something inside of me did believe Dylan. I mean if he loved his sister then why would he kill her? If he did kill her why would he continue to say he loved her and deny he killed her?

I looked back outside and Beck was on the ground bleeding. I looked to the right and and saw Dylan walking in. His locker was a couple down from mine so I walked over and started talking to him.

Me: For what's its worth I believe you.

Dylan turned around and looked at me. It took him a couple seconds to respond but he did.

Dylan: Sure.

Me: Why would I say I believed you if I didn't?

Dylan thought for a bit. He looked like he was examining me but I don't know. 

Dylan: Thanks Blair.

Me: How do you know my name?

Dylan: I know your brother Carter.

Me: How?

Dylan: That's a whole different story.

Me: I have time.

Dylan: I don't. I have to go to the principals office.

Me: How about later?

Dylan: Are you asking me to go out with you later?

I rolled my eyes then looked at Dylan. 

Me: No I'm not asshole. I just wanna know how you know my brother.

Dylan laughed and shut his locker door. I never realized this but I was so short compared to Dylan. I mean I wasn't that short. I'm about 5 foot 5 but then there's Dylan who looks like he's 6 foot 2.

Dylan: You ok?

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Dylan.

Me: Yeah I'm good.

Dylan: You kinda blanked out.

Me: Oh yeah I was just thinking.

Dylan: *laughing* I'll see you later Blair.

I nodded and Dylan walked down the hall to the principals office. I watched him walk down the hall and I thought to myself.

What the hell is this boy doing to me? One minute ago he was beating the shit out of someone, and now he's this sweet boy? Ugh boys.

/After School/

As I waited for Carter to come pick me up I got a text from him.

Carter/ Hey B I can't pick you up today. Sorry.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I started to walk down the street to my house I heard someone call my name.

Dylan: Blair wait up!

I turned around and saw Dylan walking towards me. I waited until he got there. Once he did he started talking.

Dylan: Where are you going?

Me: Hmm where would I go after school? Maybe home?

Dylan laughed then looked back at me.

Dylan: I'll walk with you.

Me: Don't you have a car or something you got here in?

Dylan: Not really.

Me: Fine.

Dylan and I started walking and I gotta say, he was actually a really nice person to talk to. He was a good listener and he paid attention to what I was saying.

Me: So how do you know my brother?

Dylan: He's your step-brother isn't he?

Me: Yeah. Why?

Dylan: Just asking.

Me: How do you know him?

Dylan: My brother and him were friends and he came over a lot until his dad married your mom.

Me: That's it?

Dylan: Yeah.

Me: What?!

Dylan: Why?

Me: I was expecting an elaborate story.

Dylan laughed and we continued to talk then something came across my mind. Dylan has a brother.

Me: Wait a sec.

Dylan: What?

Me: You said you have a brother.

Dylan: I do.

Me: Whats his name?

Dylan: I'd rather not talk about him Blair.

Me: Why not?

Dylan sighed then stopped walking. He turned around to face me and I looked up at him.

Dylan: Look, my brother is just someone I don't like to talk about. Its not you I'm just not that close to him.

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