chapter 1

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Standing in the middle of the chaos, smoke filled the air around in a dark thick mist covering the whole village. The smoke was so thick and ashy that one's throat felt itself tighten suffocation from its poison. Their lungs felt like needles piercing into them as their eyes burned temporarily going blind.

The buildings screamed as the crimson gold flames licked at the buildings devouring them in a slow painful matter. The buildings and houses let out small screams as the windows shattered and the buildings came apart collapsing to the ground before the flames greedily feasted on them.

In the mist or it all a tall young lady stood in the town square. Her long brownish red hair blew in the wind as it shined as slight gold colors appearing like flames itself. Her pale smooth skin appearing dirty from the ashes of the fallen. Her eyes gazing around in scene in front of her in sorrow as tears streamed silently down her cheeks. Around her neck, the red ember crystal shined against the light of the flames. In her hand, she held a gold-colored sword with the image of red flames with a gem at the handle. Her short white dress covered with ash and blood, her feet bare as they touched the dark burnt ground beneath her. As her eyes gazed around the fallen place around her footsteps were heard coming up behind her.

"This is my hell." She whispered to herself as she dropped her sword closing her eyes as the last remaining tears streamed down her cheeks before the footsteps grew quicker before she welcomed the cold darkness.

Giggling small blue lights flew between the trees, lighting path as a small girl with light blonde walked along the dark path. Her hair flowing behind her in an invisible breeze as her pale white dress flowed down to the ground as a tail trailed behind her. Her bare feet walking slowly on the soft cold snow. Her red crystal necklace shined as it stood out against her white dress and the snow-covered world around it. Other than her piercing gold eyes the crimson color of her crystal were the only colors seen in that white world of hers.

Walking ahead she smiled lightly as a noticeable smaller blue light hovered beside her on her shoulder.  Stopping she turned her head to the side as she stood still gazing off into a dark unlit path. 

The smaller blue light noticing her behavior curiously floated up beside her turned head as it titled itself sideways to gaze in the same direction she had.  Muttering a few sounds to her she turned to the small light sharing a small gaze with it before looking back. Walking slow steps down the dark the small blue lit let out a sound like a gasp as it shook itself side to side before flying forward trying to grab a hold of a strain of her hair before flying backward as if trying to pull her back. 

"Chibi ." Her small quiet voice spoke out noticing the small light's struggle letting go of her hair chibi flew up in front of her face yelling out some unknown words at her. Keeping in the expressionlesss face she moved forward once again pulling her hair free, chibi let out a small cute scream before flying backward in a rolling motion in the air.

Walking ahead, the girl came to a stop as she reached a dark part of the forest surrounded by a thick layer of shadows. Reaching out her hand in the direction of the shadows the bright lights flew fast past her causing her hair to fly forward with the sudden gust of wind. The lights began whispering to one another as they flew in circles in front of a strange figure laying in the snow.

Growing closer she gazed down at the strange figure with a small frown. Around it, the snow was stained with a bright crimson color, a heavy smell drifting in the air from it. Reaching out she draped back the black torn cloth draped over the figure, pulling it back she was surprised to find a skeleton head a skull of a wolf with horns that appeared to be of a goat.

Chibi flew to her shoulder gazing down at what she was looking at before letting out a yep hiding behind her hair.

Reaching out she lightly touch it's skull head with the tips of her fingers before the head snapped its socket eyes glowing red. As if in defense the beast grew out large green vines with thorns targeting them towards the young girl. Before they could touch her necklace glowed red creating a red shield around her deflecting them from touching her.

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