Chapter 2

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Singing softly the blue orbs traveled from different directions of the winter forest. Flying between the tree branches and bushes they giggled with one another forming a line as they sang softly flying through the forest. Coming out into an open field they flew over to the flower field each landing softly on a budded ice flower. Standing in the center a young girl appearing to be 16 or 17 years old. Wearing a white sleeveless dress with a white ribbon tied at her waist. Around her upper arms, she wore armbands formed like silver plant vines with silver leaves. Her silver-blue hair glowed like moonlight under the sun rays. Giggling a few of the blue orbs flew over placing a crown of snow lilies on her head. Gazing up at the group of blue orbs she smiled lovingly at them.

"Thank you." She gently spoke to them, giggling back they flew off playing above the field of budded ice flowers. (Outfit below)     

   Smiling she reached up with cupped hands watching as a snowflake landed on the palm of her hands

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   Smiling she reached up with cupped hands watching as a snowflake landed on the palm of her hands. Closing her cupped hands she closed her eyes as she brought her hands up to her mouth whispering a few silent words as her hands glowed a white-blueish color. Opening her eyes she smiled as she opened her palmed hands to see a medium-sized butterfly flapping its wings softly as it breathed in its new life. Smiling at the butterfly she raised her hand watching as it stared at her in silence before flapping its delicate wings flying off into the sky.

"Soon, we'll meet again, my dear friend." The young girl muttered to herself with a smile as she watched the butterfly fly up high into the sky out of sight.

Sitting on the living room couch Elias stayed silent as he looked over the papers in his hands and laid out on the table before hearing the distant sound of a bell jingling. Snapping his head he caught the attention of Chise and Ruth as she sat on one of the chairs reading a book while Ruth laid on the floor at her side.

"Elias? What's the matter?" Chise asked him curiously as she watched with slightly wide eyes as she stood up ignoring her questions as he walked over to a nearby window. Opening it she sat there confused until her eyes widen in surprise as a white butterfly flew into the house. Unlike a regular butterfly it seemed to glow lightly like fresh snow, looking closer it appeared to be made of ice or some sort of crystal as it flew around the room leaving a trail of white sparkle like substance behind it as it flew. 

"Elias? What is that?" Chise asked him a bit alarmed as she watched it fly around the room before flying over to Elias landing gently on his outstretched finger. 

"It's a sort of messenger familiar, it's not dangerous but peaceful creatures. This one is made completely out of ice and snow." Elias explained making Chise's eyes widen in shock.


"Mh, it seems this little one had traveled a long way," Elias spoke as he gazed down at the butterfly as it flapped its wings softly.

"Now, what's your message," Elias spoke to the butterfly before it flapped its wings once more flying up into the air in front of his face. Glowing brightly small bits of snowflakes seemed to appear out of its wings as they wrapped circled around Elias as a small gentle whispering voice was heard as the snow circled close to Elias' head as if the snow itself was whispering the message to him. As soon as the voice stopped the butterfly stopped glowing the snow vanishing. Flapping its wings it once again landed back on his hand. 

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