Prologue, little bird

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It was then when it all began in the coldest part of the world. The world covered with white snow as the cold air pushed harshly against those weak against the harsh winds. 

A lost traveler stumbled its way into the garden of ice. Seeking nothing but a sanctuary from the cold bitter frost and that was when she heard it. 

A song. 

A song carried out through the ice gardens and there she was. They met gazes and that was all it took, a promise between the two bonding the two through the age of time. A song and its promise.

 A promise that could lead to happiness or sadness. 


The sweet gentle sounds of a flute carried along with the winter wind, filling sound to the empty parts of the dark forest. As the sound of the flute carried along with the wind the sound of the small child like giggles were heard among the trees.

 Small glowing white lights emerged from the tree branches and bushes flying among the bare tree branches. Their lights warm and bright against the cold winter wind. Shinning brightly like tiny little stars or fireflies. 

Giggling the small lights seemed almost as dancing among one another as they flew between the trees. Hearing the sound of the flute the small little blue lights seemed to gaze at one another giggling before flying off into the direction of the sound. Flying up a small path the lights suddenly stopped as they heard a far-off distance sound.

 Curiously the small lights flew towards the sound. Hiding behind the trees the small lights muttered among one another as they peeked from around the tree like small curious children. 

Laying among the white snow wrapped in a thin blanket a small infant child cried loudly as it clenched its fist scared of the dark place it had been abandoned in. Around the instant's necklace was a placed a long gold necklace with a red pendant crystal stone handing off it. Crying loudly the small blue lights gazed at one another before flying towards the small instant child. Forming a circle around the small instant the small lights began humming a song as they flew in a circle around the child. 

Hearing the sound of their humming the small child stopped its crying, opening its little eyes the instant gazed up in awe at the small little lights as they continued on their humming song flying around her. Extending her small arms up to the little lights the small infant let out a joyful child laugh gazing up at the lights with a wide bright smile. 

Just then as the bright lights entertained the small infant another group of small bright lights flew down the path towards the infant, lighting the path as a tall beautiful woman walked down the path. Her long white green dress shifted in the wind behind her, Her long luscious white wavy hair glowed like moonlight. Under her eyes, she had silver green marking like small leaves.  Behind her walked a large white wolf with gold eyes walking in stead steps as it guarded the women in front of her.

  Behind her walked a large white wolf with gold eyes walking in stead steps as it guarded the women in front of her

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Walking up to the small infant the blue lights stopped their song moving aside as they let the women pass by. Watching graceful steps the lady gazed down at the small child with a look of pity in her eyes. Reaching down her hovered her fingertips on top of the child's forehead, her eyes widen as the small child began to glow in a red white color as the red crystal around the infant's neck began to glow brightly. Extracting her hand the women gazed down at the small instant as the child smiled up at her letting out a small giggle.

"A child born from old magic, abandoned in this cold world because of the fear brought from your birth. Your life will carry burdens as well as many happiness." The lady spoke in a soft tone before reaching out to take the small infant in her arms.

"This  place will become the sanctuary for you, protect you from the dark burdens that will come in your life later on as you must protect this place in return." She spoke to the small child as she gazed up at the woods as if summoned the dark woods suddenly lit up with blue lights as the tiny blue light orbs came from their hiding to play. Gazing at it in awe the small child giggle as one of the small light brushed against her cheek.

"Do you think this is wise." The large wolf spoke out in a deep masculine voice as he gazed down at the lady in front of her as she smiled down at the infant.

"This child is still very innocent to this world, this place can be a home to this small child. This child will grow strong and soon be able to protect this place as much as I have all these years." She spoke before turning to gaze at the wolf with a gentle smile.

"Just as I can see you will protect this child as well." She told him before gazing down at the small child, raising her fingertips to trace the small red crystal around the child's neck.

"This little  bird has found its nest."


Hope guys like this story I came up with it while watching the anime and came up with the idea for this story I had been itching to up it up. I hope you guys like this story and if you haven't I hope you guys will check out my other fanfics. Don't forget to vote and comment what you guys think so far.

see you 


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