Broken II

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Gakushu Asano; the current student council president of this wretched academy.

Nagisa still has his hair let down but he wasn't scared like those students behind him. He only stared at the leader with an indifferent expression.

Why would you be afraid of a pawn of the school?

Asano continued to glare down silently at the group of students who were involved of this little trouble. He crossed his arms, "leave now or you'll be late for class." His voice held so much command that the boys quickly obeyed before fleeding to their classrooms.

Nagisa finally got up with the help of Asano, comically he tripped on his toes and landed himself on Asano's chest. Asano hitched his breath for a brief second by the warm contact before pushing Nagisa slightly away from his body.

"Be careful." He said quietly and Nagisa nodded his head, his long blue locks bouncing with his movements.

"Do yo--" Asano was about to ask when someone cut him off.

Asano turned his head and Nagisa leaned to the side to see Kayano running towards them. "Nagisa! We're going to be late!" She bellowed before grabbing his arm and running to the other direction.

Nagisa had his eyes widen in surprise as he tried to break free from her grasp but her hold was too strong for him. He looked back to see Asano standing there with a small frown.

Asano was about to walk away when he stepped on something. He looked down to see two bentos.

"How did you find me?" Nagisa asked as they met again in the gym. Kayano shrugged her shoulders, "I heard some boys from our class that you were there near the stairs." She answered.

"So who was that boy you were with?" She asked while looking up from under her eyelashes. Nagisa gave a grim look, "that was the student council president."

"THE STUDENT COUN--" Nagisa quickly covered her mouth when the students turned their head to see what was the ruckus about.

Nagisa gave her a look and Kayano only shrugged her shoulders cheekily.

"Oh my god, why did I not notice?!" She whisper-shouted and Nagisa only gave her another look. "I don't know with you," Nagisa answered.

"Oh my god! What did he say to you?!" She shook his shoulders.

"Nothing." Was his reply.

Kayano furrowed her eyebrows at that. "Really? He seemed like he was about to say something."

Nagisa sighed. "Can't we just drop it?" He asked.

The girl sulked but nodded her head willingly as the teacher finally came up to start their lessons.

"Nagisa, where are you going?" Kayano asked after their afternoon classes were done. Nagisa was feeling tense for a while now, his palms sweaty and his eyes darting across the room as he tried to stay calm.

Key word; tried.

He took a breath, "I'm heading to the bathroom." He excused himself quickly as he darted to the nearest restroom.

Karma has been texting him all day for a playdate.

He was spamming his phone non stop and the storage of his phone was beginning to become full because of his text messages. The redhead had done this type of thing before, it was only so that Nagisa would not chicken out on their time together.

Nagisa hated it to the core.

He splashed himseld with water, the droplets quickly running dowm his face before he look up and freeze.

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