Helping The Helpee

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*Darien's pov*

Serena and I ended up falling asleep on my couch after the girls and Rini left. I don't know how Serena has managed to keep her happy facade up. Once you knew what was behind it there's no going back. Anyway, the next morning I woke up to see Serena still peacefully sleeping. I look at the clock, realizing if Serena wants to get to school, much less on time I had to wake her up. Oh joy. You hear the sarcasm? Going back to my room, I gently open the door. I go over to Serena and shake her. "Baby, wake up." "Mmm, no. Go away." she groaned. "You don't want to go to school?" I asked. Serena shook her head, snuggling into my bed even more. I gently pulled on her shoulder, trying to get her to face me. "Everything okay Serena? What's wrong?" In answer she curled up into a ball. Then it hit me.

"You're on your period, aren't you? Cramps?" Silently she nodded. "Alright," I said, "What I want you to do is go and take a bath and I'll run to the drug store down the street and pick up some pads, pain killers and your favorite chocolate. I'll be back before you finish with your bath. Sound good?" "Okay." Serena answered barely above a whisper.

*Serena's pov*

Once Darien left I got up and headed to the bathroom. I went and grabbed some clothes while the tub was being filled. I put some bubble bath in to make it more relaxing. Getting in, I slowly eased myself in to the warm water. I sighed in relief feeling some of the pain leave my body. My hair up and my mind wandering I sifted through my memories of me and Darien, coming to my favorite.


"Sailor Moon."

Me: "Who are you?" 

"I have been waiting for you, for someone who would accept me. I am the Light of Hope."

Me: 'The Light of Hope?'

"Now, please accept my shinning light."

Me: "It's so warm."(Becomes Princess Serenity, as the Star Seed turns into sword)

Me: "What's going on?"

"Please. Destroy Chaos once and for all using this sword, the Sword of Sealing."

Me: "But..."

 "There is not time for hesitation. End the war!'

*after battle*

"I did it everyone. I defeated Chaos but now I'm alone. I'm lonely everyone." I said, choking back a sob.

"You aren't alone Serena." Rei?!

"You did amazing girlie." Mina?!

"We're sorry you had to be on your own for so long." Lita?!

"Thank you for continuously pouring power in to us Princess." Setsuna?

"Everyone!" I said happily, "I'm so glad I was able to save all of  you and this world."

All the Sailor Soldiers were circled around me but there was still someone missing.  Darien...

"Serena."  A deep, male voice sounding of wind chimes said from behind me. Whirling around, I came face to face with my handsome boyfriend. "Darien!" I screamed, lunging myself into his embrace. I didn't care I was naked thanks to my final transformation. Snuggling into his body, I shook slightly. "It's over Usa." he said, using my Japanese nickname. I nodded and allowed myself to relax into his touch. It was finally over.

*end of flashback*

As the memory ended I rinsed myself off. Stepping out of the bath, I got dressed in sweats, a tank top and sweat shirt which was actually Darien's. Just as I stepped out of the bathroom Darien walked in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, putting the bags he was holding down. I answered, "Like hell. Do you mind if I settle down on the couch and just chill?" Darien shook his head. "I don't mind at all Sere. You get comfy and I'll make some tea then join you." I nodded and turned to go sit down. Once I was situated I turned on the TV, looking for something to watch. 

A few minutes later I settled on The Voice. Five minutes in to the show Darien sat down next to me, handing me my tea and an ibuprofen. I smiled at him, silently thanking him.  Smiling back, he wrapped an arm around me. I was laid against Darien's chest with my mug in hand. This is so nice. I want to freeze time just for this moment.  My thoughts were interrupted by a kiss to the side of my head. I looked up at my boyfriend whose face had that adorable grin in place. "I want to stop time for this moment too Sere." Darien whispered. I gasped and said, "Mind reader!" leaving us both giggling.

*later on*

My communicator beeped, telling me I had an incoming call. "Serena we have a problem." It was Mina. "What is it Mina?" I asked, fearing the worst. She replied, "It's the Negaverse." I heard crashes in the background. "On my way." was all I said before hanging up. "Moon Crisis Power, make up!" I called out. Ribbons encircle me as I began to transform. Once I was done I ran out the door, A now transformed Tuxedo Mask following me.

When Tuxedo Mask and I got there the Sailor Scouts, both outer and inner soldiers, looked exhausted. Even Mini Moon looked as if she might collapse any moment now. "Is everyone alright?" I asked, alarmed. Then I mentally face palmed.  They've just been fighting, of course they aren't alright. All I got anyway in response were moans and groans of pain and exhaustion. I faced the enemy. "That's enough! I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice in a sailor suit. In the name of the Moon I shall vanquish you!" The creature chuckled evilly. "You can try but you'll never succeed." In reply I concentrated my power, channeling it in to the Silver Crystal. With all my power and strength I called out, "Moon Crystal Crisis Attack!" 

After all my friends have done for me this is the least I can do.  In a final flash of light, the monster vanished. Once the battle ended me and Tuxedo Mask tended to our fallen friends. When I got to Sailor Mars she asked me, "Why?" It was obvious what she meant. After all I'd been through why had I dropped everything to help them? My answer was simple and to the point. "Because you guys have all done so much for me. You were helping the helpee." Once we all untransformed we all headed to our respective homes mostly in groups of two or three. What a night. 

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