Arbiter X Marine Reader Part 2

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A/N: Here's the second part, hope u enjoy!
Your POV:

The Arbiter had followed through on his word to find me. After I had left the hanger, I made my way to the medical unit in the base to have my arm looked at. I must have landed on it wrong when Alex tackled me. Luckily it was only sprained and would heal rather quickly. She also gave me some ice for the nasty bruise forming on my face.

While the nurse was wrapping it up, heavy footsteps at the door made me look up. I hadn't really expected the Arbiter to actually come find me. I'm sure he had better things to do than to check up on a lowly mechanic who couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"How badly are you injured?" He asked from his place at the door.

The nurse glanced over to him nervously, obviously not comfortable with a Sangheili being in her presence.

I gave him a small smile, "I'm fine, just a sprained arm. It takes more than I few idiots to take me down"

He stared at me then nodded before turning on the spot and leaving without another word. I glanced over to the nurse with confusion and her face mirrored my own.


It had been a little over a week since the incident with Barton and the rest of my squad...well, former squad. Apparently Arbiter had taken it upon himself to see that Barton and his friends were dishonorably discharged for assaulting and attempting to rape me.

My superior had contacted me shortly after, asking if I wanted to press charges against them but I declined the offer as tempting as it was. I'm just glad that I wouldn't have to see them again. In the meantime, I had been assigned to a new group with much better people. I had even managed to make friends with some of them, especially two marines named Tyler and Tessa who happened to be twins.

I hadn't seen Arbiter since he visited me in the medbay and for some reason that bothered me. Shortly after he left, I realized that I didn't even get the chance to thank him for saving me and I was determined to give him my thanks the next time I saw him.

Currently, I had just finished fixing up a warthog that had some loose wiring. It hadn't taken me as long as I thought it would so I had some free time to do what I wanted. Not sure what to do, I wandered the halls until I stopped in front of the training room. It was empty at the moment and would be for a while according to the schedule by the door. I looked down at my body then back up again at the training room.

"I guess I little shape up wouldn't do me any harm" I spoke to myself as I walked fully into the room.

The room consisted of multiple different sections and equipment all designed to help with certain areas of the body and further back, there was a combat simulator. My attention was drawn to the simulator almost immediately but I knew it would be better to warm up a bit first. After all, I hadn't seen real combat in a while.

I had all the training to go out in the field just incase of a shortage of soldiers but that hadn't happened in at least a month or so. If I was going to stay prepared, then I needed to sharpen my skills to a fine point so I wouldn't be killed if I was sent out.

Looking through a large storage cabinet, I found exactly what I was looking for, a role of boxing tape for my hands. Quickly wrapping them in the way I was taught, I turned to face the rest of the room. The boxing bag hung in the corner across from me and I made my way over to it, throwing out a few practice swings along the way.

When I reached the bag's position I smiled. It reminded me of the one I had back at home. I could still remember young me learning how to throw my first punch, my father's encouraging voice telling me how to hold my hand so I wouldn't break it. I used those memories well and threw my fist at the bag again and again, each time increasing power and speed.

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