Arbiter X Fem Marine Reader

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A/N: Takes place somewhere in between Halo 2 and 3. Timelines may not sync up correctly but just role with it. Enjoy!
⚠️Warnings⚠️: Contains vulgar language and sexual comments

If you weren't afraid of the repercussions of slapping your superior, you most definitely would have by now for placing you in a marine squad made up of completely perverted assholes. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if you had another female with you but, you didn't and you were this close to fighting the next person to make a sexual comment towards you.

It wasn't your fault that you had larger breasts than the other females in the corps and you most definitely didn't like the way some of the men looked at you because of it. You joined the corps to help with the Human-Covenant War and so far all you had gotten for your hard work was harassment.

Your POV:
"Damnit!" I cursed as an electrical pulse from the ship I was attempting to fix shocked the hell out of my hand.

I grumbled under my breath about how pointless this was. This pelican had already been blown to shit and probably wouldn't fly again. It was a miracle that they even got it back to the hanger with how trashed it was but of course I had to fix it anyway.

The words of my commanding officer still rung in my head, making my growing headache worsen.

"(L/N), I want this pelican fixed before I get back or you'll be cleaning latrines for the rest of the week"

Bull-fucking-shit! I was good at my job as a mechanic but it would take another miracle and a half to get this bird in the air again with how much damage it had sustained. I was almost ready to give up on my unreasonable task when I heard the sound of laughter and voices heading my way, belonging to the rest of my squad.

I fought the urge to bang my head against the bottom of the pelican I was under, knowing it would only make my headache worse.

'Maybe if I ignore them they'll go away without noticing me'

"Hey (L/N)!"

'Shit, I should have known' I rolled my eyes, continuing to "work" on fixing this piece of scrap metal.

I heard footsteps coming closer to my location and sighed in irritation.

"Hey Bitch look at us when we're talking to you!" I recognized the scraggly voice of Alex Barton, the leader of my antagonizers and bane of my existence.

"What the hell do you want Barton? Can't you see I'm busy?" I questioned annoyed, rolling out from under the pelican, sending a deep rooted glare towards the brunette man.

His laughing as well as the rest of his buddies stopped and he frowned, "Watch your tone (L/N) or you'll regret it" Alex growled trying to act tough in front of his friends.

I rolled my eyes and rolled back under the unfixable pelican.

"Whatever Barton, I don't have time for your shit. Unlike you and your buddies, I actually have work to get done instead and goofing around like a bunch of fucking idiots." I replied nonchalantly.

I had dealt with them enough times to not let their words bother me. If they wanted to act like children then I would let them, they probably wouldn't make it through the rest of the war anyway.

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