The Cure

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Before the plane took off, Jenna called me. "Hey Jen!" I answered. "Hey, the hospital called you right, you know about the news?" She asked me. We discussed the times and what has been going on lately and I soon had to hang up because the plane was taking off.

It was about six hours till we both got to our neighborhood (including the flight itself of course). Declan came into my house and Sunny came down to hug us both. "Vera! You're gonna be cured! Congratulations," she cried. "Woah SunDay, tomorrow, don't get too worked up," Declan laughed. It was about six thirty at night and Jenna invited Declan to stay for dinner and he politely accepted the offer. After dinner Declan went home but before he did he informed me that he would drive me to the hospital so I could stop by his house at seven to get to the hospital by seven thirty.

I was so excited to be rid of this disease that I could barely sleep. I got a total of about four hours and woke up in the middle of the night having only an hour of sleep to then grab a chocolate donut from the pantry in the kitchen and a glass of milk.

I then went to the bathroom and started crying. I don't know why, maybe I was overwhelmed about how everything was moving so fast. Maybe they were tears of joy, I couldn't really tell. Once my drama queen moment was over I tried to go back to sleep. I laid in my bed restless until eventually I slept for another three hours and woke up to a car horn honking. I groaned and looked out my window and Declan was in my driveway looking up at my room. It was seven fifteen dang it! I slept in.

I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy topknot, rushing down the stairs to his car. I grabbed my medical records and forms I had to fill out and give to the surgeon today. Declan and I had a small bit of spare time to spend so we headed to Starbucks which was on the way and he bought me a vanilla sweet cream cold brew. I drank it on our way to the hospital. As we arrived Declan helped me walk to the front desk. "Declan, I'm getting cured I'm not on the verge of dying!" I laughed. "I know, I know, but still I worry about you and I've never been in this situation and I want to make sure you'll be ok," he explained.

"How can I help you today?" The front desk clerk said. "I'm here for an appointment, with doctor chambers." I answered.
"What's the name?"
"Vera Lewis"
"Ah yes! You can go to the back and your anesthesia provider will be waiting before your surgery," she informed. I thanked her and Declan and I had gone where she had told us to go. "Are you Vera Lewis?" A young woman who looked to he about 35 with short dark brown hair that transitioned into a lighter shade of chestnut asked. "Yes, are you my anesthesia provider?" I wondered. "I am, as you will be put under anesthesia, the doctors will begin the surgery. After the surgery and anesthesia wears off-as you most likely know-you may feel a bit dizzy or nauseous. I will give the surgeon your forms that you have in your hands and I assume they're all filled out."

I nodded and she strode away with the files into the emergency room to give to my surgeon. I walked back into the waiting room. I couldn't help but wonder what everyone was thinking as they sat there. One man with black hair sat hunched over as he had his hands feverishly rubbing his face acting like he was either trying to comprehend the situation that got him here or he's just tired and barely had any rest. Another girl was in the corner pacing around in circles around and around. Another man was sitting near a window and was crying and had a tissue in his left hand all balled up. As for Declan, he was sitting there looking down at the floor with a blank expression on his face. As I sat next to him he looked away from the floor coming out of his daydream and smiled at me grabbing by hand and kissing the back of it. "I love you," I said. He winked and said "me too love, so much."

I'm getting cured. I couldn't stop thinking about that, how could I, I won't be dying anytime soon I the surgery goes well and the treatment is successful. I'm supposed to take my treatment medication for five years and going to annual doctor appointments to make sure everything is moving along smoothly. I thought about the life I would have with Declan, for decades I'll be with him and we'll grow a family in time. Soon this promise ring will turn to a wedding ring. "Vera Lewis" a calm man's voice snapped me out of my daze returning me to reality. Declan and I both stood up and walked through the emergency room doors. The man told Declan that he couldn't come any further. "Patients only sir," he informed. Declan gave me a quick peck on the lips as he turned his back to us to walk back into the waiting room.

The man lead me into a large surgical room. "Your surgeon will be here shortly for now change and wait for her to arrive," he instructed. I did as I was told and as I laid down on the table I was contemplating how different I would think about life when I'm cured. I stopped as soon a woman came through the door in a mask and scrubs with my anesthesia provider. The last thing I saw before the procedure was the woman in the mask leaning over me speaking, I could see he mouth move as the mask went up and down but I couldn't hear a thing. As I woke up, I felt a hand stroking my hair, it was Declan's he looked at me smiling.

Oh my God, I'm cured. I jumped from my seat and hugged Declan and kept telling him over and over again how much I loved him. He was laughing and saying "I know, I know" millions of times. The doctor gave me the treatment i had to take for at least eight months to make sure the disease doesn't return. In 8 months I'll return and get a refill of the treatment. I can't believe I actually am cured. I'm gonna live! I was ecstatic I couldn't contain my excitement. I finally promised Declan to love him forever and always till death do us part and we lived happily ever after. I'm just kidding!

We both had gone to college mine was online of course and his was at MIT. He's majoring in Information Technology Management, he's now in his third year and I'm in my second. I'm majoring in computer science, I have enough credits to graduate two years earlier than expected. I have my own apartment and it was near his campus so he can live with me during school. Our life was finally being pieced together but little did we know a storm was brewing right under our noses.

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